VII. Failure

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Harper was looking in her closet for something to wear to the cinema she was going with Liam and Mason since she promised Hayden she would go

When she finally found an outfit she turned to put it on her bed but she wasn't in her room anymore she was at the cinema

"Is everyone ok?" she heared someone ask so she turend around and saw Scott "Let's get him out of here, Liam give me a hand" they both started to picked up the body but something hit him in the middle of his chest and she looked up to see the same masked men "Why did you do that?" Scott asked

"His condition was terminal"

"What does that mean?" Scott asked but they turned to leave "What does that mean?"

"Failure" The masked men said as it turned to Harper and pointed at her before walking away

Harper fell back but she didn't fall on the ground he fell on her bed instead

"Are they trying to tell me I'm a failure?" She scoffed before she went into the bathroom to put on her clothes


Harper walked with Mason and Liam to the cinema and she watched as Liam check his phone for what felt like the millionth time

"Can you put your phone away for five minutes? Scott can howl if he needs you" Mason said clearly annoyed

"I just feel like I should be doing something" He admitted

"You are" Mason told him "You're my wingman tonight and considering the state of my dating life I need a wingman, co-pilot, and a really hot flight attendant"

"I'm definitely not your hot flight attendant"

"OfCourse not I am" Harper shrugged with a smile

"Okay, yea choices are limited but at least here you can get drunk"

"He can't but I can" Harper said as she knocked on the door and it swung open to reveal Hayden when she made eye contact with Harper her eyes lit up but when she saw who was next to her face dropped

"I said I'd let you in, not him"

"You said I could have a plus-one" Mason defended

"I didn't say plus-Liam"

"Well I didn't invite him" Harper reminded and Liam looked at her with disbelief

"I'm his hot flight attendant" Liam informed, and Harper mentally faced palmed


"Forget it I don't have to go in" Liam said in defeat

"No you're coming okay?" Mason grabbed the back of Liams jacket an slung his arm over his shoulder "How about me and him plus fifty?"

Before anyone could think anything through Harper snatched the money from Mason and handed it to Hayden "Welcome to the Sinema!" Harper said as she moved Hayden back a little so the boys could walk in

Hayden turned and looked at the girl with a look of disbelief "Really?"

"Why are you complaing you just got twenty bucks" She shrugged then walked off

"We don't look old enough to be here" She heard Liam say as she walked over to him

Harper looked around at all the people "Neither does he" she said nodding towards Brett as she bit down on her bottom lip to suppress a laugh as she watched him grind against a random girl

"So this club is mixed?" Liam asked

The three of them turned back to Brett to see him now dancing with a guy


"Perfect place for me" Harper said smiling as she walked away from them

Liam turned his head towards Mason "What does she mean perfect place for her?"

"Dude she likes guys and girls" Mason shook his head "If you wanna go out with her you're gonna have to know a lot more things about her, Before Hayden does"

Mason nodded his head in Harpers direction and Liam saw Harper and Hayden and he let out a huff "Or Theo"


After a while Hayden left to finish handing the glow sticks and drinks out and Harper was sitting on a stool at the bar drinking

She had one then two then five and so on she jumped when she felt someone place a hand on her shoulder "Don't worry it's just me" Brett said sitting next to her "You know we cant get drunk right?"

She shook her head "No youuu can't, but I cannn" She said slurring her words "Since I don't have supernatural healing I can get drunk"

"You're gonna have a bad hangover" He chuckled

She pouted and said "I know" Harper said falling half asleep

after a while Harper jumped up to the feel of water being dumped on her head "WHAT THE ACTUAL" She yelled. when she turned she saw Liam holding an empty bottle of water "Dude what the hell did you do that for"

"To get you sobered up now cmon" He said dragging her away from Brett but people kept bumping into them and they lost each other

Harper was walking around trying to find Liam when someone grabbed her shoulders "Harper?!" Scott said "What are you doing here?"

"I was looking for Liam"

"Why is your hair wet?"

"Liams fault"

They then heard a growl so they ran towards it, they went behind the curtains they used as screens and found Liam fighting a guy

Harpers eyes widen when she realized that, that guy was the same guy that she saw in her Hallucination

"You're a little late" Liam said as Harper pushed the guy off of his so he could stand up

The guy got back up and kicked Scott and he fell down, Kira pulled out her katana and started to fight the guy, she knocked him down

when he got back up he started to head for Kira but Harper ran and pushed him to the ground

Kira sprinted towards him and yelled something that Harper couldn't make out as an aura of fire glowed around her in the shape of a fox

she was about to hit him but Scott yelled out her name and her aura disappeared

"Is everyone ok?" she Scott ask "Let's get him out of here, Liam give me a hand" they both started to picked up the body but something hit him in the middle of his chest and she looked up to see the same masked men "Why did you do that?" Scott asked

"His condition was terminal"

"What does that mean?" Scott asked but they turned to leave "What does that mean?"

"Failure" Harper said under her breath which caught Scott and Liams attention

"Failure" The masked men reapeted as it turned to Harper and pointed at her before walking away

Harper fell back to the grown "Can someone take me home? I feel like I'm gonna puke"

𝗔𝘂𝘁𝗵𝗼𝗿𝘀 𝗡𝗼𝘁𝗲: So I finally finished this chapter it took a few weeks cause I had writers Block so hope you could understand

𝐃𝐘𝐒𝐓𝐎𝐏𝐈𝐀, Liam Dunbar 2Where stories live. Discover now