IX. Strange Frequencies

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Hayden walked out of the cinema and walked fast towards her car

"Hayden- Hayden wait" Harper called after the girl as she and Liam ran after her

"Telling me to close my eyes was weird" She started "Sticking a glow stick in my face even weirder, but werewolves and dead doctors?"

"Dread doctors" Harper corrected her

"Whatever, just stay away from me" she said before turning to her car

"Wha- what if I could prove it to you" Liam spoke up

"Prove what?"

"This" Liam said before shifting and roaring at her which resulted in her screaming and punching him in the face

Harper leaned over so her face was in the boys view from the ground "You just got knocked the fuck out" she laughed before helping him up and they both watched Hayden drive away in a hurry

Harper then got a bad feeling in the pit of her stomach and ran after the car with Liam yelling her name

when she caught up to the car she saw dread doctors Infront of it and jumped on top of Haydens car then ripped the sun roof off

"Cmon" she yelled to her and Hayden grabbed her hand

and they both ran away


Scott knocked on Liams bathroom door where Hayden was hiding in, Liam had called them and they came straight over, Harper tried to talk to Hayden but Liam refused

"Hayden?" Scott said "It's Scott I know that you're scared but we just want to help" He then turned to the two young ones "I can hear her heart beating shes really freaked out, what happend?"

"she was ok when we got here" Liam told him and Harper just straight up glared at him "I went to text you for two seconds and she locked herself in"

"Why? and why didn't you stop her?" Stiles asked looking at Harper

"Ok first off when we got here she wasn't fine she was shaking in her boots, and second I got problems of my own I can only deal with one thing at a freaking time"

Scott then but in "Well she's definitely a chimera"

"She said she heard a voice saying her condition improves" Harper stood up "And come to think of it I heard the same thing in my bedroom one night"

"Ok that's it I'm going in" Stiles said before he walked to the door and knocked "Hayden! This is Stiles your sister works with my dad down at the station, look just open the door ok you can trust us"

Harper then shoved Stiles out of the way "I just wanna tell you the truth Hayden, and these things are kinda easier face to face" she said hoping she would unlock it but didn't "Look you either open the door or ill break it open, It's ok if you don't want to talk or if you're not ready to believe me but I got to know that you're ok in there" she then heard a click and she opened the door

When Harper walked in Hayden had glowing eyes fangs and claws "I believe you"


Hayden and Harper walked into the school at night, Scott and the others had a plan and they were apart of it, they walked straight into the boys locker room

Harper watched as Hayden went to the mirror trying to shift

"Don't worry you'll learn to control it" Harper reassured her

"I'm not like you" Hayden looked at her "I wasn't born a wolf I was a science experiment"

"Yea well so was I and I'm a coyote"

"This is so bizarre"

"I know but you're gonna be ok" she smiled "I promise" Harper then put up her pinky and so did Hayden and they intertwined them

"Pinky promise" Hayden laughed

𝐃𝐘𝐒𝐓𝐎𝐏𝐈𝐀, Liam Dunbar 2Where stories live. Discover now