The Phonecall

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A/N: I've tried to upload this all night yestarday. It didn't load for some reason and I'm very annoyed. I'm doing this on the desktop right now for some hopeful results

Roy yawned and rolled out of his room. He had a great night's sleep and couldn't wait for the day to start. Then the phone rang. Seems like Jim wasn't up so he picked up

"Hi, is this the rescue center?" The voice was familiar and the camera turns on. Roy immediately knew who it was.

"Oh! Mom. How are you?" He responds.

"I'm doing great Darlin-

"Roy! Roy!" A fire truck comes rushing toward the camera. He jumps up and down.

"Hello Thomas." Roy smiled. That was his little brother. A hyper little guy but be did love him.

"Roy, I got a 100 with my test! I'm becoming a rescue member like you! Look!" Thomas shouts. As he held up the paper. Roy smiles.

"Great Job! Now Mom, why did you call?"

"I was actually calling you to see if.. maybe Thomas could live with you for a bit."

"Uh, I'm not too sure Mom. I am really busy. I'm not sure if I'll have time with Thomas."

"Please. Roy. Thomas really wants to become like you. Maybe he could help out with rescues too. All his grades are amazing." The female car smiled with plead. Roy thought about it before nodding.

"You know the boat that comes to your island on Thursday. Cici usually comes there before going to Broomstown. Let that be his way to get here."

"YES!" Thomas exclaims.

"Yes. I get it. I'll pack him up for tomorrow. Promise to take care of him."

"Always mom."

"Good. Bye Darling."

"Bye." The camera shuts off and Roy notices Jin standing nearby. A mix of confusion in her face

"Who was that and who are you inviting to the rescue center"


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