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(Sorry for a week break. School killed me and I said I would upload this yesterday but I had homework.. yeah it's here now)

Poli had to admit, it was hard seeing his best friend like this. He was supposed to be the leader, the brave one, yet he couldn't bear seeing Roy so ill.

"Roy.. Come on pal. You'll wake up soon right?" Poli said. No answer and he wasn't expecting one but it hurts. He grabs his hand

"I'm sorry we weren't fast enough... Just please wake up. I'm not sure how long we can keep your mom away from this and.. Thomas.. he really wants to see you."

Still no reply. Poli sighed as he sat back down listening to the beeps . The lift was coming down and an angry Jin stormed in mumbling

"What happened?" Poli asked. Jin puts a hand to her face and groans.

"Thomas and Helly snuck out to North area . Helly is ignoring his communicator and ugh.. troublemaker! He probably dragged Thomas out with him!"

Poli wasn't too surprised. Helly hates being inside and it was bound to happen with being cooped up in headquarters.

"How about I go get them then?" He suggested . Jin nods and walks toward Roy.

"I'm going to be drying his system so go ahead. I'll make sure everything is taken care of."

"Yeah. Will do." He leaves the room and drives out to where the two were. They weren't too far and Poli found them on a bench. Helly was holding a tupperware container and Thomas was through an ice cream container.

"I think you finished half of that.. You ate a lot of it." Helly said, reaching for the container. Thomas glares at Helly but lets him take it. Helly takes a piece of pie out and holds it over the little vehicle. Thomas looks up eager when..

"Ahem.." Both of them turn and freeze to who the voice belongs to. Poli looked at them strictly yet he felt a little bad. The two of them were clearly having fun and he couldn't blame them.

"Care to explain why the both of you are out here when Amber said that Thomas had to stay inside." Poli asked. Helly rolls his eyes

"We've been stuck inside for days and Thomas wanted to go out. Beside after we finished, we're going to clean the town up."

Poli looked around and cringed at the sight. The weather from days ago really made a mess. With Roy taking their attention, they really didn't get a chance to get help from the town. Cleany and the Building Team must be stressed out.

"I understand that being inside was horrible but it was for Thomas's good. You two better go back right now or else Amber is going to get mad. Jin is already angry and when Amber is angry.. you know it's bad." Poli said. "I'm going to stay out here and help clean up. Helly, bring Thomas back and stay there"

"What?! You get to stay out here?!" Helly exclaims.

"I know, it's unfair but you are watching Thomas and he has to be inside. Now, head back to Headquarters."

Helly opens his mouth to protest but Poli glares at him. Groaning he grabs the bag of food and flies a couple feet into the air.

"Come on Thomas.. let's go.."

Thomas followed by admittedly he didn't want to go back. Now when it was fun and he couldn't bear staying when he couldn't see Roy. They took their time heading toward the Rescue Center, and went through town. Helly took a look to see if there was any damage but the display on the window caught his eyes. A camera. He moves toward it.

"Uh.. Helly?" Thomas mumbled. "Shouldn't we go back?"

"That camera looks so cool." Helly ignores him.

"Helly!" Thomas said louder. He snapped out of it and looked back.

"Oh yeah. You go ahead without me. I'm going to go get this camera."

"Alright.." Thomas looks at him briefly before driving off. It felt wrong that Helly left him to get a camera but part of him couldn't really get mad. He sighed and drove quickly to headquarters. A nap wouldn't hurt.. especially since there was nothing to do.

Arriving there, it was practically empty. He could hear Amber snoring and Jin was nowhere to be seen. He headed toward his room when he saw Jin on the lift. He hides behind the walls as she walks past

"Alright.. that should be all the water. Hopefully he'll wake up and then we can repair him. Maybe after the fever too." She mumbled and yawned. "But maybe I should get some work done."

Thomas watches her leave and eyes the lift to the basement. He smiles and rushes toward it. Now that no one was watching him and now he could see his brother. It felt like forever since he last saw him.

Pressing the button, he went down and saw Roy. He moved closer and froze at the sight. Roy looked worse than he thought. He was sweating a lot, breathing heavily and some yellow stuff was on his mouth.

"Hey.. Roy. It's me! Thomas." He said hoping he would wake up. No response but Thomas continued.

"I'm.. sorry. I'm sorry that you're sick.. I'm sorry that I made everyone worry.. I would do anything for you to wake up.. or talk.. I.. I miss you." Thomas mumbled, feeling tears. Nothing was said and he felt terrible. He sighed and just laid next to the bed, desperately hoping it would wake Roy up.


"Helly, I swear you are a child." Poli grumbled. Helly was behind him holding the new camera as they headed home. It was evening time now

"I'm sorry but it was on sale and I couldn't just leave."

"You left Thomas by himself when he needs someone to watch him. We can't let him be in the basement. Jin is probably watching right now."

They arrived back and entered the main room. Jin was passed out on the desk.

"Jin? Jin!?" Helly exclaims. She wakes up and turns her chair to face then. She yawns and stretches

"Oh, hi guys. Wow, you took a long time. Helly you are getting punished." Jin said. "Where's Thomas?"

"What do you mean..?" Poli asked, confused. "He was here a couple hours ago."

"Really? I.. haven't seen him."

"Oh no." Poli rushed toward the lift and noticed that it was down. Amber was asleep, he could hear the snores, Helly was with him, Jin was upstairs. That meant.. Thomas went down to the basement. He transformed and pushed the button


Thomas stared at the wall and then Roy. He sighed as nothing changed. No matter how many times he said wake up, Roy didn't.

The sound of the lift moving up startled him. Shoot, someone was going to find out he's down here. He looked for somewhere to hide but the lift was coming down and Poli looked at him sternly.

"Thomas.. What did we say?" Poli asked.

"I.. can't go down to the basement." Thomas mumbled looking at Roy . Poli noticed and sighed.

"I know it's hard but there is a reason why we don't want you to see him. Like I said he's unwell and we don't know if he's getting better. We would rather not let you see him if he gets worse." Poli said. How is he anyway?"

"Just.. sleeping. Nothing different"

"That's good. Come on, I got something for you to do."

Thomas sighed and took one last look before following Poli to the lift. As it went up, he couldn't help but wonder how much longer this would last. How much longer until Roy is better

Unknown to them, a hand slightly moves

A/N He might live.. but Ahyes_124 has slightly got me interested into the other route :)

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