Author's note

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Most of us maybe didn't even know Sri Chaitanya till now..

Basically, Gauranga Mahaprabhu is RadhaKrishna.

One fine day, Krishna felt like tasting the devotion which His devotess felt for him.

He always noticed his pure devotees cried out of ecstasy while calling out his names, and they didn't desire anything (like moksha, or a new car, or a nice girl, etc) except for loving devotional service unto him. Not for 1 day, but lifetimes after lifetimes.

Krishna thought, "What is so special my devotees find in me? I want to taste it."

Hence, He decided to become His own devotee.

Now the question was, in whose mood should He come?

For this, Krishna knew that Radharani is best of devotees. Infact, she is devotion personified.

Hence, Sri Krishna took the mood of Shrimati Radharani and descended as Gaurachandra.

He didn't just take Radharani's mood, but also her complexion.

Radharani has a golden complexion and is said to be as fair as thunder.

Therefore, one name of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu is Gauranga (Gaur= Golden, Anga= Parts, One whose body parts are golden).

In this way, Sri Krishna made up His mind to come descend on Earth.

Firstly, this golden incarnation is new to all of us. Hence, I would be writing a bit of philosophy here so that we come to know who exactly Gauranga Mahaprabhu and His associates are.

This book is completely based on scriptures (authorised ones) and I will present it as it is.

Incase of any errors, I beg forgiveness.

Secondly, it is also said that we shouldn't blaspheme Krishna or any of His devotee. If we do that, we'll become an athiest.

Even if we remain a theist, we'll be engaged in Mayavad philosophy (if you read further you'll understand how Gauranga Mahaprabhu proves Advaita philosophy wrong).

Chances are that you might be attracted to black magic or fruitive deeds.

Let me be clear, you won't get pure devotion of Lord if go on finding faults.

Also, let me state this point that I'll be telling the right philosophy as it is.

Look, it might seem offending but it isn't. I request the people to be open-minded.

God exists!

He gives you the daily bread! Yet athiests are ungrateful to that God who gives us everything.

Also, incase of wrong philosophies I would just write the verdict from Sri Chaitanya Charitamrita.

The truth will be as it is, hence, I request all of you not be offended.

This book will have secrets of life, essence of everything, transcendental knowledge.

Now, let's know about Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu's unlimited mercy.

Regarding this, Srila Prabhupada says:

'If you don't understand somebody, how can you love him? Love is far, far away.

But Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu is so kind that He is distributing Krishna-prema,

"Take anyone, come on."'

He gives bhakti to anyone who approaches Him.

Bhakti is described as immensely rare thing. Many people take birth and die, but do not become a devotee of Sri Krishna. This is the real misfortune.

But, Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu has some conditions. Those will be written later on.

We don't have those requirements. Now where shall we go? After all, a life without bhakti is a waste of time.

We should approach Sri Nityananda Prabhu. He is Balarama himself.

He is supremely merciful, even more merciful than Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.

Those who worship Gauranga Mahaprabhu with Nityanand Prabhu, are sure to get rid of sins and offenses.

Even offenses committed to Vaishnavas (devotees of Krishna) can be forgiven by mercy of Nityananda Prabhu!

Vaishnav offense is a very dangerous thing. One who commits it will never get pure happiness. He'll be rotting in hell and soon become an athiest.

Even if you aren't convinced yet that God exists, then hear out my suggestion:

Without cricticising anyone, pray to Sri Nityananda Prabhu and Chaitanya Mahaprabhu to show us the truth.

Also, beg for forgiveness, since we all have committed sins (we all have done, there's no one who hasn't committed a sin till now).

With this, you'll soon notice that everything becomes clear and you'll experience happiness for sure.

So that's it for introduction part, I will meet you guys next time!

(I apologise incase I offended someone because sometimes truth might hurt.

Kindly forgive me in that case.)

Till then, Hare Krishna!

Jaya Sri Krishna Chaitanya Prabhu Nityananda Sri Advaita Gadadhara Srivas Adi Gaur Bhakta Vrinda!

Jaya Sri Sri Gaur Nitai!!!!

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