Meeting Uddhava (P3)

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Narad Muni's POV

Sri Naimisaranya

Singing the glories of Sri Gauranga, I went to Naimisaranya.

My mind has completely drowned in ocean of sweetness of Gauranga. The form is so beautiful!!

This form remains in my heart forever. It is true, Sri Krishna is reservoir of pleasure for His devotees.

My heart can't forget Gauranga, and my eyes long to see Him again.

At Naimisaranya, I met Uddhava, a pure devotee of Krishna.

Uddhava, after seeing me, offered obesciences unto me and bathed my feet. What an attitude of respect!!

I embraced him out of parental affection.

He offered me an asana. Then, he revealed his mind,

"Today is a special day for me.

A great sage has come in this forest!

You are one of the closest devotees of Sri Krishna.

It won't be wrong if I say that you know His mind too.

Since you can do so, kindly tell me about the future."

Uddhava's expressions darkened. With tears, he spoke,

"The people of Kaliyuga are absorbed in sinful activities.

In previous ages (Satyayuga, Tretayuga, Dwaparyuga) people were religious.

In Kaliyuga, which is darkest of ages, people know nothing but impiety.

Please dispel my doubt, for no one surpasses your kindness. How are these souls going to be delivered?"

I explained Uddhava about my meeting with Dwarkadhish.

I spoke further,

The yuga dharma for Satya, Treta and Dwapar was penance, fire sacrifices and deity worship respectively.

All of them had some rules and regulations to follow. But, in Kaliyuga, getting Krishna is very simple.

You just have to dance and sing, ‘Hare Krishna’. In this way, all perfection comes to you, and love of Godhead rises in your heart.

This is rare for even people of Satyayuga, who had performed penances for thousands of years.

You can get liberation just by vibrating your lips. How merciful Chaitanya Mahaprabhu is!!"

Uddhava's face immediately lit up. He came in ecstasy. With all respect, the praised the news of advent of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.

And thus, I set out to my journey to spread the news again.


(This one's gonna be short, sorry)

Nitai Gaur Harii bol 💛💙
Hare Krishna dear readers💛💙

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2022 ⏰

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