Narad muni sees Gaurachandra (P2)

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Narad Muni's POV

"My dear Lord, what can I say?"

I spoke,

"You reside in heart of every living being.

Chanting Your names and singing Your glories are like my daily nectarean bread."

Then, recalling what I saw, I explained Dwarkadhish,

"The fact that people of Kali aren't chanting Your names disturbs me.

Everyone thinks that earning wealth is success.

In the name of religiousity, people will use violence.

Lord, this age is full of hypocrites!

Everyone will be misunderstanding Your glorious pastimes, which are transcendental.

They don't understand the fact that Your pastimes cannot fit in their small little brains.

Misconceptions would be at its peak.

Conditioned souls will be intoxicated with pride and will neglect devotion unto You.

I see no means of helping them. Therefore, O Lord, I request You to help me.

By the mercy of Your lotus feet, even a meat-eater can become a high class person.

Therefore, I request You to help the fallen souls of Kaliyuga.

Please pick up these souls, who are bereft of devotion."

After hearing my prayers, the husband of Rukmini smiled.

His eyes became red, out of love.

He spoke,

"Dear Narada, just now Rukmini explained Me about devotional service.

I am completely mesmerized by Her explaination!

Therefore, O sage, I will manifest on Earth in the mood of a devotee.

I will become a devotee of My ownself. I will chant and sing My own names.

I want to taste the mellow that Radha finds while singing My names."

His smile went wider. He also assured,

"Not only will I be enjoying My own prembhakti, I will distribute it too.

I will give it to everyone!!"

This calmed me down a bit.

It not only 'calmed me' but also made me feel to hear more about this incarnation of my Lord.

"Although I am supreme God, I will appear as a devotee.

In the association of devotees, I will spread

HARI NAAM SANKIRTANA (Congregational chanting of names of Sri Hari)

I will spread the mahamantra:



I will appear through the womb of devi Sachi, in the transcendental abode of Nawadvipa, in Sridham Mayapur."

Out of His causeless mercy, Sri Krishna spoke further,

"My body, which is transcendental, will be tall. My complexion will be of that of molten gold and My beauty will put Mt. Sumeru to shame."

Sri Krishna, My Lord, got absorbed in ecstasy.

All of a sudden, He transformed into His form (about which He was describing about)!!

I saw Sri Gauranga Mahaprabhu in front of Me!!!

I couldn't help but faint. It was so beautiful!!

This was the most beautiful form of Sri Krishna I had ever seen!

Seeing this form brought me to ecstasy.

(It is said to be the first time when the incarnation of Sri Gauranga Mahaprabhu was revealed to Narad Muni)

Beholding such a beautiful form, my heart burst with love, and tears rushed from my eyes in a thousand streams.

(Kindly paint this form in the canvas of your heart, dear readers)

Gauranga's golden complexion is more effulgent than millions of suns.

Millions of moons fail to equal the shining beauty of this incarnation.

Millions of cupids are surrendered to the Charmin smile of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.

All of them are put to shame by His inconceivably beautiful face.

Blinded by His effulgence, my eyes were shut.

I was trembling in happiness.

Seeing my condition, Lord Krishna withdrew His effulgence and called me out.

Returning to external consciousness, I noticed that Sri Krishna was standing in front of me.

This made me eager to see the form of Gauranga again.

Sri Krishna instructed me,

"O sage, now kindly spread the news about this form to different abodes, headed by Brahmaloka and Shivaloka.

Spread the news that I'll be coming along with My associates to diminish the effect of Kaliyuga.

Spreading the mahamantra, I'll free the conditioned souls."

My miseries and anxieties disappeared after hearing the beautiful words of Sri Krishna.

Hence, taking the vina (a musical instrument) in my hand, I set out to spead the glories of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.


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