Chapter Two

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The next morning, when Bonnie got to school, it was still pretty early

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The next morning, when Bonnie got to school, it was still pretty early. Only a few students walked the halls as she made her way to the music room. These days sleep didn't come easy and left effortlessly in the hours when blue and grey dawn light filtered through her bedroom window. Career night had been a surprising breath of air, she'd spent the entire night talking to Anna. She'd been so focused on their conversation that she forgot she promised Caroline a lift home. Bonnie had called Caroline and her mum had answered, she was home safe. Selfishly, she didn't feel entirely guilty about her lapse in memory. Hanging out with Anna was fun. No one had ever asked her so many questions about herself and looked genuinely interested in the answers.

The music room was empty too. Subjects in the arts were elective in Mystic Falls High. Bonnie hadn't been in this classroom in a while, but it looked pretty much the same. An old grand piano that looked like it hadn't been moved since before she started high school sat in front of multiple rows of chairs. Behind the chairs were more instruments in the same condition as the grand piano, some were hooked to the wall and others were lined against it. The cello transport cart was one of the latter. The cart was set for six Cellos, but only three were stored. Bonnie dropped her cross body bag on the floor besides the piano and moved to the cellos. She ran her fingers along the strings of the instrument, and then plucked one of them. Vibrations thrummed across her finger, and sound in the note of A rang, she smiled.

Suddenly, the classroom door opened and Bonnie whirled. Stefan stood in the doorway, his expression relieved when she met his eyes. She relaxed a little.

"Bonnie, hey." He said.

"Hi, I didn't know you were back in school."

"No, I'm not. I came here to find you."

"How did you find me?" Bonnie asked, then the bubble of normalcy she'd tried to create popped. "Nevermind."

Stefan smiled with understanding, but it didn't reach his eyes. She didn't think she'd ever seen him genuinely smile with anyone other than Elena. "I was hoping you could help me with something. A spell."

Bonnie frowned. "Stefan, look I know Elena's okay with all of this, but I'm not really ready to dive into it with you just yet," she said.

"I understand that." Stefan said, nodding. "But I need your help. It's Elena, she's with Damon."

Bonnie thought of the night Damon attacked her, and the tension wired through her.

Stefan pulled out a necklace from his jacket pocket and offered it to her. She accepted it. "This is Elena's necklace. I was just hoping you could use this to make some sort of connection, I just need to know that she's okay."

"What kind of connection?"

"A psychic one. You just have to concentrate and think about Elena." Stefan said. "Think about wanting to see her, wanting to know where she is."

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