Chapter Eight

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The next week or so was a roller-coaster of emotions. Right after she'd spent time with Anna at the Grill, Caroline had called her and told her to come to Matt's house immediately. Vicki's body had been found, and Matt needed all the support he could get. They'd had a funeral and a memorial. Bonnie had attended with a giant bouquet of flowers, trying to not feel guilty that she knew how Vicki really died, and had known for some time now, it hadn't worked. A couples day later she gave Anna a tour of Mystic Falls high school while trying to play it cool that she wasn't excited about getting to spend more time with her, it hadn't worked. Anna told her she'd applied for the school and would officially become a student soon. Then Bonnie's mood had fallen when she found out the tomb vampires had kidnapped Stefan and tried to kill him and his brother for revenge. Most of them ended up dead from the ordeal, and Anna had reassured her that the others fled town. Only her mother and a vampire named Harper were left, there wouldn't be any more mishaps.

Now Bonnie sat with Anna at the Grill, sharing a plate of pizza. She'd just finished an evening shift, the restaurant was pretty bare. Most of the town were at the Founders Day 150 year anniversary kick off party.

"So, do you usually skip out on the whole Founders celebration parties?" Anna asked, taking a bite of pizza.

"Well, my family aren't really a part of the group, even though technically the Bennetts were in Mystic Falls like two centuries before there even was a town."

"Is that a little resentment I hear in your voice?"

"No." Bonnie said. Anna looked at her like she didn't believe her and Bonnie smiled. "Okay maybe a little." Anna laughed. "But really, the kick off party is usually the most boring part so we're not missing out on much."

Anna nodded. "You know what I realised, you never really told me why you stopped playing the cello."

"Uh. Trust me. It's completely uninteresting." Bonnie said, taking a bite of a slice of pizza.

"I doubt that." Anna said. She looked to be waiting for more details. Bonnie sighed with a small smile on her face, if Anna was anything, it was persistent.

"I used playing the cello as a way of escaping."

"What did you have to escape?"

Bonnie paused for a moment. "My mum, she left when I was really young. When I played I would close my eyes and pretend she was still here, that she, my dad, and I were still a family...I know it's really cheesy."

"No, I think it's sweet."

"A couple years ago, my dad started going on more and more business trips that kept him away from home longer. It felt like he was leaving me too...and it just became harder to pretend. So I stopped." Bonnie said. Anna leaned across the table and held Bonnie's hand. She entwined their fingers and gave a reassuring squeeze.

Bonnie looked down at their hands, and when she looked back up, she caught Anna glancing away from her lips. That triggered Bonnie to look at Anna's lips, they were a light pink on the outside, but darkened into a richer shade in the centre. They looked like they would taste like strawberries. Before Bonnie knew it, she and Anna had moved closer, their noses almost touching. Bonie placed her hand on Anna's cheek and pulled her into a kiss. She instantly felt a fluttering like a buzzing was running through her body, it was invigorating.

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