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Lately you and your favorite guy friend have been spending more time together. All of a sudden, you're blushing every time he talks and realize that you're ready for more than just friendship. You want to say something, but are afraid to make a move because you don't know if he feels the same way. Does he have you firmly planted in the Friend Zone, or does he reciprocate your warm and fuzzy feelings? Read on to find out!

Observe the way he talks to you. His body language can reveal how he feels about you. Here are some things to consider:

Listen to his tone. While it may not appear important, it can show how much effort he has put into his words. If he sounds careful in his speech and hesitant, he may have placed some thought into what he is saying. Also, pay attention if he laughs at your awful jokes. Take notice of his eye contact. Does he look you in the eye when he talks to you, or does he look around the room distractedly? If he maintains direct eye contact, it shows that you're his main focus and that he is interested in the conversation. However, keep in mind that he may avoid looking at you out of shyness. Note if he gets easily distracted. If someone else approaches him while you're talking to him, does he instantly abandon your conversation? If this does occur more than once, he may not consider your words as important.

Keep track of his topic choices. The subject of your conversation may indicate how he views you. Several signs to watch out for are:

Teasing. Playful teasing may hint that he wishes for you to tease back. If you're brave enough, add subtle flirting to spice up the mood.

Personal Information. Talking about his problems shows that he trusts you. Deeper subjects, such as his fears or family issues, may mean that he wants to take your relationship with him to a deeper level. Compliments. Comments on your intelligence, appearance, etc. may be a sign that he admires who you are. If he seems to be complimenting you more than often, he might be interested in you. His Manners. He may soften the edges of his rough personality when he is around you. For example, he might have vulgar behavior around his friends, but he makes an effort to be more refined with you. This is a sign that he is paying attention to you and what you say. Discussions About Past Relationships. Your conversations with him may take a dip into your past relationships. This indicates that he is making a subtle attempt to see if you're single or interested in other boys.
*If he makes constant attempts to set you up with another boy, he may be keeping you in the friend zone.
*Listen to his comments concerning other girls. It can tell you if he just wants your dating advice or if you're the girl he is after. Constant requests for advice indicate that he may be only interested in your opinion since you're a girl. However, he may also be asking for tips so that he can collect information on your dream guy.
*Keep an eye on his past relationships. Short, frequent ones may indicate that he is either a true player or he is attempting to make you jealous.
*Keep an eye on how he acts when you're apart. Some shy boys make their feelings clearer online or over the phone. Identify the ways he communicates with you, using the following methods:

Phone Calls. His voice will reveal how he feels. A nervous tone, stuttering, and hesitancy may hint that he has feelings for you. Long conversations also push towards the possibility that you interest him. But if he doesn't return your calls or tries to cut you off as soon as possible, he may not want to pursue a serious relationship with you. Email. Witty emails with good grammar point towards attempts to show off his cleverness and intelligence. This means he spends some time crafting his messages for your benefit. Text Messaging. Maintaining contact outside of school or work means that he wants to include you in his life. Rather than reserving texting for formal means, he may use it to send you a joke or start conversations. If he puts extra effort into texting you, he may want to put extra effort into your relationship. Facebook. Does he "like" a lot of your photos and post on your wall often? This may be a sign that he is keeping tabs on you. Take all of this with a grain of salt. Some guys are not interested in phones, emails, or Facebook. He may prefer to see you in person, and there is nothing wrong with that!.

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