Chapter Seven

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This fucking royal pest.
Does he think this is fun? Hurting others because he has nothing better to do? I mean sure, i was disrespectful earlier, but that doesn't mean he gets to attack me like this.

"The fuck do you want princey?" i spit out. He's so close to me and i don't feel safe anymore.

"You know, I am very very pleased with this unexpected response. No one has ever raised their voice at me before." He smiles. It's a beautiful smile and it disarms me of whatever i was going to say.

i clear my throat. This bastard is not going to be an easy opponent. So i choose to change tactics. Because i don't want to win this thing (whatever this is), i just want to finish it.

"Well. Thank you for sharing that unwanted piece of information. But i have somewhere to be, so can we just continue this" i motion at both of us "thing you're doing sometime later?"

This time, i flash a smile. I don't like smiling this way but it's not like i have another choice. I tried the violent option but this guy is like gum stuck under a shoe.

"Stop it. I hate it when people do that."
He says through clenched teeth.

"Do what?"

"Smiling. I hate it. I hate it when someone smiles like that." His eyes aren't amused anymore.

"That's weird." i cock my head to a side. "Because you did exactly that just a while ago."

He blinks. Twice.
"Hmm?" is all he says.

Does he have problem understanding simple English? Or is it because he has only spoken formally all his life? Should I try doing that?

"Anyways." i bend under his arm and get out of the cage he trapped me in.
"I believe this conversation has come to a dead end." i smile again. "So- let's just meet some other day. Bye princey." My smile tightens as i bow once infront of him. He's still staring at me, dumbfounded. And I'm beginning to think he is mentally challenged.

I break into a run. Or atleast i was about to when i hear a scream. A deafening scream. A bloody and scary scream that raises goosebumps on my hand. What the fuck? I lock eyes with the prince.

And then we run. Together. Because whatever that scream was about? It couldn't have been something good.

But then i hear a grunt. Goddamitt. Do princes not ever run? He must have tripped over his own feet. I come to a stop and turn around. And i can assure you that i was not expecting to see what I'm seeing right now.

i hear myself gasp. Because Mallum is crouching over the fallen prince, sending punches to his face. His highness keeps spitting blood and i don't know what to do.

"MALLUM!" I yell. But he doesn't hear me. He doesn't hear me over his own voice. Over the curses he's screaming at the prince.
"PLEASE, OH MY GOD. STOP THIS MADNESS!" i yell even louder. He's going to kill him at this rate. What am I supposed to do?

I run towards them and try to peel Mallum off the prince. But he's too strong and doesn't even budge a little
I don't know what to do so i let my instincts take over. I calm him down the only way i know how. The way i used to when we were kids.

I hug him from the back. I hug him tightly and try to stop his violent side from taking over.
"Please" i breathe into his ear. "Please stop. Mallum. Please." He tenses up at the sound of his own name and his arms come to a halt.

Mallum shivers. Oh no, is he, is he disgusted by me..? I am about to remove my arms from his waist when he turns his head in my direction. His face is inches away from mine. If i lean in just a bit-

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