Consider Me Ready

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"Fine, fine." Avalon chuckled at the state of Archie. "I'll do it. Consider me ready."
"Alright!" Archie jumped with excitement. "Now just put a foot here and foot there..." He guided her into the right stance. Well, what he thought was the right stance. "Now push!" He pushed her gently but it didn't stop the fact that she went tumbling down the hill, headfirst I must say. "Oh my god, Avalon!" Archie screamed as he ran down and crouch3d next to the girl as she held her head, sitting on the grass. "Ok maybe skateboarding isn't such a great idea." Archie admitted, helping her up.
"You think?" She mumbled as she rubbed the back of her head.
"How about- oh I have a great idea! Let's paint!"
"Paint?" Avalon echoed.
"Yes, it'll be fun."
"That's what you said about skateboarding." She rolled her eyes.
"Just trust me." Archie replied as he picked up the skateboards. Sorry, one skateboard. His had rolled off somewhere.
"You also said that before too." Avalon placed her hands on her hip to get her point across.
"Really? I don't remember." But before Avalon could hit him with more facts, he grabbed her arm and starting running back home. "Anyways, let's go!"

Avalon didn't understand why in the slightest Archie was being so... nice. And clingy. To say the least, she didn't like it. She found it weird. When they got back home, Archie ran inside to find paint but it was no surprise that he didn't have any. He went to the store and bought two shades of every colour as well as paintbrushes. But of course, he forget the canvases. When he got home, Avalon pointed out that he had missed the most important thing when it comes to painting but Archie refused to go out driving again. So instead, he found some wood outside the back of their house to paint. They began painting after setting everything up on the grass.

"What are you going to draw?" Archie asked, twirling the paintbrush in his hand.
"I don't know." Avalon shrugged. "A flower? Maybe a sunset."
"Oooo, I'll do a butterfly."
"Ok, I'll do a bee."
"Sounds good." Arch8e nodded before turning to the canvas laying flat on the grass and began to work.

In the end I think it's safe to say that Avalon had won because Archie's was... something. Quite something. Avalon turned to him as she painted the sky behind the bee. "I think I won."
"I didn't realize this was a competition and what are you talking about? I won." Archie pointed to himself.
"No, I don't think so." Avalon chuckled.
"Ok hold up, let me call Cheryl." Archie pulled his phone out from his back Jeans pocket and called up one of his friends. Not close but still a friend.
"What do you want, Arch?" Cheryl scoffed as Archie's screen filled with her face. Cheryl obviously had been walking around in her house.
"Can you judge our masterpieces. I definitely won."
"Sure, I guess but only because I have nothing else to do with this wretched thing we call life. Let me see." She sighed.
Archie turned the camera around and showed his piece of "art" to Cheryl.
"This is mine." He announced before going to Avalon's. "And this is Avalon's." He turned the camera back around to his face after showing Cheryl.
"Avalon." She said with hesitation. "Not gonna lie, Archie, but yours looks like a dog threw up after eating a purple crayon on a bright neon pink rug."
"Are you calling it bad?" He brought his other hand that wasn't holding the phone to his chest, over exaggerating being offended.
"No, I'm calling it horrendous. I'm gonna have nightmares now, thanks Archie. Anyways, tohdaloo!" Cheryl smiled and waved before the screen turned back to the Home Screen.
"How about we call Veronica?" Archie suggested as he glanced at Avalon.
"She's just gonna say me." Avalon shrugged. "Cheryl's right, yours does look like a dog threw up."
"Ok, chill." Archie rolled his eyes before FaceTiming his lovely girlfriend that was definitely more friends with Avalon than Archie and also acted as a mother figure to her. "Hey V!" Archie waved the second she accepted the call.
"What is it Archie, I'm at work." She gestured in front of her at a desk filled with jewelry.
"Quick question, who's is better?" Archie hovered the phone over his painting. "Mine." And then moved to Avalon's. "Or Avalon's?"
"My amazing girl, Avalon of course! What is yours anyways, Archiekins?" Veronica leaned in closer to the camera only for Archie to turn it around so it showed his face.
"It's a butterfly, can't you see it?" He whined.
"Not in the slightest. Oh! Customer, gotta go! Love you." Veronica blew a kiss and Archie quickly replied with I love you too before the call ended. He sighed.
"Told ya." Avalon shrugged, standing up with her masterpiece in hand.
"Alright, alright, you win." Archie smiled and nodded before standing up. "What time is it?" He checked his phone. "Wanna get dinner at Pop's?"
"Yes!" Avalon jumped with excitement. "Let's go let's go let's go!"
"Okay." Archie laughed at the response before grabbing her hand and walking off.

At Pop's, Avalon and Archie ordered two burgers and two milkshakes in total. The same burger but Avalon insisted on getting Vanilla flavour for her milkshake while Archie insisted that they got the same kind. The only problem is he didn't like vanilla so he made an acceptation to get double chocolate with whip cream, of course. And a cherry on top.

"So what do you want to do after this?" Archie asked, leaning across the table.
"We could watch a movie at your place." Avalon suggested with the first smile on her face of the day. They were waiting for their food.
"I think we should do something before that. We could play cards." Archie shrugged.
Avalon shrugged too before speaking. "How about Go Fish while watching a movie?"
Archie shrugged again. "Sure why not?"
And almost on cue, the food had arrived and they began eating right away without a word being shared between the two.

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