It Must Suck To Be You

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"Hey dad." Jughead mumbled as he walked in through the front door of his house, dragging Avalon behind him.
"What are you doing here, son?" FP asked as he walked into the hallway from the kitchen. "I told you you're not welcome back." He spat.
"Relax, we're just getting our textbooks." He raised a hand to his father before skipping upstairs.

"Get everything you need for school. Im calling Veronica to ask her if she can pick us up." Jughead ordered as he shoved some books into his bag.
"Why not Archie?" Avalon asked.
"Because you screwed things up with him! Now get your stuff." He gestured around the room and hesitantly, Avalon walked to one side and began putting things into a bag. Pencils, notebooks, a charger and more. On a nearby desk, she noticed a small bottle and picked it up. When her brother wasn't looking she looked at the label and read, pepper spray. Pepper spray? She thought before shoving it in her bag before her brother noticed.
"Ready?" He asked.
"Almost." Avalon nodded.
"I'll wait down stairs, be quick." He left but Avalon continued to look around. She found some money on a desk that she took without hesitation. Maybe she was stealing but the real question was is it for a good cause and what was her reason for doing so?

Avalon continued to shove things in her bag that totally were not school related. This included a hat, flashlight, a pocket knife she had strangely found on her brother's desk as well as a hair clip. Pin. Or whatever else you might call it. Then, Avalon headed off, prepared.

Minutes later, Veronica pulled up with Archie inside and Jughead and Avalon climbed in the backseats. Archie didn't dare speak as he was still in shock from earlier while Veronica made small talk. Avalon enjoyed it because it got rid of the awkward silence that sat with her and her brother in the back seat.

Once at school, Avalon went running in before Archie could even get out of the car and before Jughead could even say goodbye. She was gone and off to class. Now, I need to tell you about a little someone in Avalon's class. He is in most of the classes she liked, which was kinda disappointing because Avalon didn't exactly like him. His name is Kian McCarthy. He's a bit slim and a little short for his age. He's 14 with wavy brown hair that reaches just below his ears and brown eyes. He carries around a backpack about or more than half the size of him and here is why everyone hates him. He never shows up to class and when he does, he shows it half way through. Secondly, he never does the work. Instead, he sits at his desk and stares at the wall. Although this doesn't affect anyone else, it also kinda does. You see, most of the teachers that teach Avalon's grade are very strict and when one person doesn't do the work in one class, then everyone is sent home with homework. So you can see why Avalon doesn't like him very much. But today, she thanked him. Not physically, no. She would never do that but she was going to steal his idea and skip class. She was planning on doing so just before the last class of the day, science.

During break, Avalon tried to avoid anyone from the high school. That included hiding behind a lot of things. Trash cans, lockers and doors. Avalon never wanted to see her brother or Archie ever again.

Avalon had made it halfway through the day and it was currently lunch. Although, lunch time had ended earlier than Avalon had interpreted when the school fire alarm went off and everyone ran outside and to a field. It was the meeting spot if there was ever a fire in the school. People were screaming and trampling others who had fallen in the hallway. Classmates pushed and shoved others so they could get themselves to safety. Avalon however, never ended up on the ground because she kept her knees bent and her palms out in case she fell. She was doing it for balance in the crowd.

On the field, Avalon looked around for her class and went to stand by them. It was hard but Avalon then looked in the large rush of people on the field as 5hey tried to find their designated class area. She was looking for her friends, Veronica, Archie, Jughead or even Betty. She was hoping she would find one of the girls if anyone but she didn't. She couldn't. Soon enough, Avalon gave up and began looking at her surroundings. There was a forest that shaped the rectangular field and bordered it, connecting it with the school. Avalon had her little bag with her. She could run now and maybe, just maybe, no one would notice.

"Kian!" A shrieked voice rang. "Kian! Has anyone seen Kian?" Everyone in Avalon's class shook their heads before Avalon's teacher turned to her. "Avalon, you were the last one out of the classroom. Did you see Kian?"
"No, I didn't see him." Avalon shook her head. She was secretly debating in her head weather she should feel bad or not.
"Ugh, great. Just great. I'm going to have to tell the other teachers and we'll have to start a search party. No one move." Avalon's teacher ordered before marching away. Avalon turned back to the forest and noticed a figure, a dark figure, run into it. If they're leaving, maybe everyone else will think I was with them, Avalon thought. She looked back at the crowd of high schoolers behind her before running into the forest, hoping to never be seen again by anyone she knew.

Avalon ran until she had caught up to the person who had walked into the forest. A few feet ahead, Avalon could see a black figure walking farther and farther away.
"Hey!" She called out. They stopped and turned briefly before running off. "Hey!" She screamed again before running after them. She was determined and nonetheless curios.

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