Chapter 3

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💔****Flashback - 5 years ago****💔

Josephine opened the door after hearing a knock to find a solemn Scott standing in front of her. "Brother to be. What are you doing here?"

Scott sighed, handing her an envelope with her name on it and a vase of pink peonies. "It is from Chris. I'm sorry Joey."

She chuckled, "sorry for what?"

Scott only looked at the ground, "just read the letter."

She nodded, closing the door. She went back into the living room next to Aubrey. She set the vase on the coffee table in front of them.

"Aww did Chris write you a letter?"

Josephine shrugged, "I guess so." She sighed, opening the letter.

My Joey
God, this is not how I wanted to do this.
You have been my love for more than two years now, though it feels like much longer. You make me a better person, and I am a better man because of your love. I love you so much Joey and I hate myself for feeling the way that I do. I have always wanted a future with you, a family, it's always been you for me. I just feel I am not what you need in your life, I feel like I am holding you back and that's all I will ever do. You mean the world to me, but I know I have to let you go to live your life and be the amazing woman I know you are. I am sorry for doing this. And for being a coward, doing it this way. I could not bring myself to face you. Not after all this time. I love you so much Joey, please go have an amazing life. You're better of without me.
My heart is yours

Aubrey watched Josephine drop the letter on the ground as she stood up, clutching her stomach. Josephine picked up the vase of flowers, throwing them at the wall as she fell to her knees, screaming. Aubrey knelt on the ground next to her, wrapping her arms around her as she cried. She listened to her crying so hard, her breaths shortening as she began to hyperventilate. "Breathe honey."

Josephine nodded, looking at her friend. "I have to go see him."

"Anything you want."

Josephine drove to Chris's house, letting herself in to find Scott. "Where is he?!"

Scott stood up from the couch, shaking his head, "I don't know."

"You lie! Where is he Scott!" She stood in the middle of the living room, screaming, "CHRIS!"

"He really isn't here Joey. I don't know where he is." He grabbed her arms, making her look at him, "I came here and he was gone. I'm so sorry Joey."

Josephine shook her head, looking up at Scott, "he's not gone. He can't be."

"I wish it weren't true." He wrapped his arms around her before she pushed him away.

She didn't say anything, going into Chris's room, finding it empty. She crawled into his bed, falling asleep.

💔****End of Flashback****💔

Chris opened the front door to urgent knocking, surprised to find Josephine standing in front of him, "Joey, I..."

"No! You don't speak!" She shoved the letter he left for her into his chest as she pushed past him into the house. "Is she here?"

Chris shook his head, "no, she.."

Josephine put her hand up, "no." She sighed, taking a few deep breaths as she heard him follow her into the living room. She turned to face him as he looked down at the letter. "A letter Christopher?! You leave me the night before our wedding with a fucking letter!" She watched Chris take a step towards her as he reached out for her but she moved away from him, "no! Don't touch me! This has been five years coming."

Chris sighed, taking a step back as he nodded, "okay."

Josephine shook her head, "five years. Five years and I have not had to look at you. Now here you are, back in my life again. I cannot bare it Chris. I can't. I stayed here for days! For days in your bed! Sick. Crying. You did not come!"

"I know. I'm sorry." He felt his eyes welling as he watched hers doing the same.

"You don't get to apologize now! It is too late! I hate you! I hate you so much Chris." She felt her breath shortening, bringing her hand to her chest as she turned from him. She closed her eyes, shrugging his hand from her shoulder as she heard him sigh.

He watched her turn back to him, tears streaking her cheeks.

"I'm glad I lost your child."

"What?!" He felt a sinking feeling as he watched her start to walk away from him, "no! You do not leave!" He grabbed her shoulders, making her stop and look at him, "what are you talking about Joey?"

She looked down at the ground, "I was going to tell you on our wedding day. But you left me here, with a broken heart. I laid in your bed, waiting for you to come back. To come home to me. I lost the baby from the stress." She brought her arms up, making him release her shoulders, "why have you moved on? Why... why her?"

"Why didn't you tell me? About the baby. Damn it Joey!"

Josephine scoffed, "why? Would it have changed how you felt? You didn't want to be with me. If I had told you, you would have stayed and what? Been miserable? No way."

Chris groaned, "no! I wouldn't have been miserable Josephine! I loved you!" He heard her scoff as she turned from him. He grabbed her hand, forcing her to look at him, "I still love you! I was scared and an idiot! Fuck!" He gripped her waist as he crashed his lips into hers.

Josephine groaned, pulling out of his grip as she pulled her fist back, making contact with his face as he let out a loud grunt. "No! You don't get to do that!"

"Joey." Chris groaned as he watched her walk away from him, hearing the front door slam as he plopped onto the couch, gripping the letter in his hand.

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