**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*Chapter 2 - "This Got... Interesting Real Quick"*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*

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Just one week later everything was set up. Dark Choco had managed to bring out all the invitations, Dark Enchantress had written, and convinced every cookie to gather at the villain's hideout. By now every cookie had gotten a room assigned to them and was free to roam the castle at will for now.

Dark Enchantress was in her chambers, enjoying a cup of tea with Pom and Strawberry Crêpe, when a gentle knock was heard.

Dark Enchantress: *turns head to door* Come in!

Dark Choco: *silently enters the room, three envelopes in his hand* Master. *bows slightly* I bring the first three questions of your game.

Pom: Already? Huh, I didn't expect that to be honest. Where did they even come from?

Dark Choco: *uneasy* I don't even kow- They just appeared in our mailbox...

Dark Enchantress: And who are they for, Choco?

Dark Choco: One is for Strawberry Crêpe, one for you, master, and one is for Pomegranate. *Hands each cookie their envelope*

They all open them and read the letters inside.

Strawberry Crêpe: Can I go first?

Dark Choco: *shrugs*

Dark Enchantress: Of course you can, dear. *smiles*

Strawberry Crêpe: Yay! ^^ This letter has been written by VanaTheDevilishAngel . She asks: "Strawberry Crêpe, why were you so interested in Strawberry so much if you already knew or could already tell what all of her ingredients are? Plus, she could've easily have a hidden ingredient you didn't catch and wouldn't tell you about, especially now that you've scared the wits out of her."

Strawberry Crêpe: *taps his chin, thinking* Hmmm.... Good question, actually. Normally my equipment does excellent work with analyzing a cookie's dough. But with her it suddenly bugged out. It was nothing major, the screen just glitched fora mere second before showing me the results of the analysis.  However, the software I programmed is supposed to immediately shut down if any malware is ever detected to prevent major damage. But this time it didn't, so I figured malware might not have been the problem. But what was it then? So, once back home I ran a scan on my equipment to find any errors, but there were none. Therefore the reason for the glitching of the screen was not from within the device, but from an outside influence. And it has something to do with Strawberry Cookie, I'm sure! I just haven't figured it out yet. Ever since this event I am simply obsessed with finding the soultion to this riddle, like any good scientist would be. *grins smugly*

Dark Enchantress: Oh? You never told us this has happened.

Strawberry Crêpe: Uhm.... Hehe, yeah, I kinda forgot, I guess-

Dark Enchantress: *doesn't mind his response* Anyways, I would like to go next. This question is.... rather peculiar. The question for me has been sent in by 87ari08 : "Dark Enchantress, do you eat cookies? Are you a cannibal?"

Dark Enchantress: *has mixed feelings about this* Fist of all: No. I'm no a cannibal. By no means. I don't eat cookies. Ew. But I do eat biscuits. You know. The actual food you can dip into your tea or coffee.

Dark Choco: Wow, this got... Interesting real quick.

Strawberry Crêpe: Pom! You haven't answered your question yet! >:D

Pom: *sighs* My turn then, I suppose. The question comes from eggunt : "Pom, how did you find Dark Enchantress? Did the darkness lead to her?"

Pom: *looks down, thinks about it for a moment or two*  I don't think I was the one, who found Dark Enchantress. It was more like she found me. When I was still a high priestress at my home village I was foretold to follow a great darkness. During a ritual I accidentally burned down our sacred tree by using a cursed crimson gem. The village exhiled me and next thing I knew, was me wandering the cold lonely landscape all by myself. With nowhere to go. No one to turn to. And. then, as if guided by fortuna herself, Dark Enchantress ridesby me on a sugar horse. She saw the state I was in and asked who I was and where I was going. I of course told her about my recent banishment and asked, if she knew any place I could stay at for the night. And kindly enough she offered me to stay with her. I could settle down at her place for as long as I would help her in her mission. Just then a suspicion began to grow in me. I recall well being intimidated by the dark and powerful aura she gave off back then. So I asked who she was. And when she introduced herself as Dark Enchantress Cookie, I immediately knew she was the great darkness I was supposed to follow. So I did...

Dark Choco: I never knew you burned down your home's religious grounds. *is mocking her slightly*

Pom: *angered* First of all, it was an accident. Second of all am I not the only cookie here, who has done something to their home. *throws him a sharp glare*

Dark Choco: *frowns, stays silent*

Dark Enchantress: Now, now you two. Don't bicker. We're all part of the same team and supposed to work together. So please-

Pom: Yes, master.

Dark Choco: *just nods silently, lost in thought now*

Dark Enchantress: Choco, why don't you join us for a cup of tea, hm? *pats a seat, offering it to him*

Dark Choco: *snaps out of it and shakes his head* I must politely decline, mylady. There is still an envelope, that I need to deliver to Licorice. *holds up the envelope to prove it*

Dark Enchantress: Well then, I don't want to hinder you. Be on your merry way.

Dark Choco: *nods and turns around, silently leaving the room*

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