**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*Chapter 3 - "Don't Tell Anyone I Said That!" *•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*

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After the conversation with Dark Enchantress, Pom and Strawberry Crêpe, Dark Choco decided to check the mailbox again, before he headed to Licorice's room.

And sure enough, more letters had miraculously appeared in the mailbox. He was suprised, when he saw that there was also one adressed to himself. He would make sure to answer it in private.

And now time to find Licorice. He was hopeful the sickly pale cookie would be in his room, since he usually stayed there during the early evening to study some more dark magic.

So Choco knocked and poked his head in.

Licorice: *sitting at his desk, which was flooded in open books and papers* Huh? You? Visiting me? Sheesh, you must really miss me. *chuckles dryly*

Choco: No, it's just that I have letters for you. You know, that game our master wants to play. *closes the door behind him*

Licorice: Oh! Of course people would send ME letters too, heh- Why wouldn't they? *gets up and walks over to Choco, taking the letters from him*

Licorice: So the first one is from ATENA449 : "To Licorice, you're my favorite cookie! How do you get along with the cookies of darkness? Do you have any good memories of your past?"

Licorice: *Blushes the tiniest bit and shifts in his spot* Well first of all, thanks for calling me your favorite! I am simply a fabolous cookie, ain't I?
To answer the first question: How well I get along with the cookies of darkness really depends on the cookie- I don't get along well with Pom. She always bosses me around. I don't like that. I would consider Red Velvet, Dark Choco and myself as friends. We do stuff together in our free time and help each other with our chores if we can. Sometimes I walk Velvet's cake pups for him and he watches Shroomie for me, when I have to go on a more dangerous mission. Speaking of the little mushroom, they're like a little sibling to me. I don't really know how it happened, but somehow they got really attached to me. *whispers* And, if I had to be honest- I got attached to them well- But don't tell anyone I said that! *speaks normally again* Strawberry Crêpe and I are on... Neutral grounds I would say. We don't hate each other, but we're not exactly close either. And about my master! I love her! I adore her with every part of my being! But she is so hard to please! >~<

Choco: We're... Friends? *honestly surprised and a little bit confused by this*

Licorice: Yes- *waves it off with fake-impatience* And now don't mention it anymore anywhere, okay? Or I won't spend time with you anymore, when you get scared of being alone-

Choco:..... Hhhhh, fine-

Licorice: Anyways! On to good memories of my past! *smiles* I actually have some! They're mostly about my family. You know, I used to grow up on a farm in the middle of nowhere. My gramps, parents, older sister and younger sister lived there with me and still do to this day. I had a good childhood actually. When I was still too young to help with the work, I was roaming the jelly bean fields or just chilling out with the cattle most of my time, heh! What I loved the most as a child was sitting together with my peepaw by the fireplace. Each night before bed he would tell me stories about his own young days and how much I reminded him of himself... Those were truly good times... *trails off before sighing, getting lost in thought with a smile on his face*

Choco: That's sweet and all, but you still have a second letter to open-

Licorice: Right- Right- *opens his second letter* This one is from 87ari08 : "To Licorice: People see you and Poison Mushroom as siblings. How does that feel?"
You see, like I've mentioned earlier, I view us as siblings myself. So I'm not bothered by it. In fact, I'm quite happy about that, because it means people are aware and won't try to take them away from me-

Choco: *mockingly* Awwwww~! So Licorice is actually a big softie then~

Licorice: STAHP IT! No I'm not! >A< Don't you have more letters to deliver??

Choco: *chuckles* I do. I should get going.

With that he left the room and looked at the remaining letters in his hand. One was for Dark Enchantress - again. But it was getting late. He would have to deliver that one the next day. For this evening he would go to his own room to answer his letter.

Once he reached his personal little safety haven in this palace he entered, took off his boots and changed into his slippers. Then he went to his bed and sat down, opening his letter.

Choco: Oh, it's also from ATENA449 : "Dark Choco, you are my second favorite! How do you get along with the cookies of darkness? Do you hate any of them? I don't know if this has already happened, but are you afraid that your father's ghost will haunt you? Who do you get along with the best of the cookies of darkness?"
Phew, those are a lot of questions...

Choco: *scratches his chin, thinking* I get along semi-well with most of the cookies here, I'd say. And apparently I even am in a friend group with Red Velvet and Licorice... Although I must admit, that I enjoy spending time with Poison Mushroom the most. They're easy to be with. They don't ask a lot of questions and don't mind the vibes I tend to give. They just take and accept me the way I am now and that's honestly feeling quite good sometimes. I can unwind for a bit in their company. So, yeah. One could say I enjoy spending time with Poison Mushroom the most. The only one I'm having real trouble with is Pomegranate. I don't know why, but she finds great pleasure in snooping around in my private life and past, teasing me with mean comments about it all-

Choco: A-About my father.... *has troubles to continue speaking, nervously fiddles with his fingers* O-Of course I am scared of his ghost coming to haunt me-! He's already haunting half of my dreams, I don't need his actual ghost coming after me in real life- *looks around the room nervously, making sure everything was in order*

Choco: A-Anyways, I have answered your questions now, so I'm good to get ready for bed now, right? Oh, I just hope I won't dream about anything for once-

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2022 ⏰

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