"Hey, are you dead?" / KNY

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After a long night, you were heading to where your crow was leading. Your feet felt like bricks, your legs like noodles. Your eyelids were fighting themselves, wanting to stay open but failing to do just that. And suddenly, your body gave out entirely. A cold darkness enveloped your body as sleep took you up into it's arms. . .

Thunk thunk.
"Hey! Wake up! . . . Are you dead or something?!" A throaty voice shouted, pulling you out of darkness and into the morning light. Your eyes blink as they adjusted to the light, but they recognized a figure towering in your vision.
A man... Boar?
"Get up! Idiot! You're in my freaking way!" The figure shouted angrily, it's muscles flexing as it conveyed it's strong irritation.


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