Awoken by the shouting of two mighty voices, you get out of your lavish bed and put on elegant bathrobes and make your way into the hallway. The booming of voices and shouting come closer as you approach the foyer of this beautiful mansion you currently reside.
You see Cujoh, hands on his hips. His ears pinned back and an angry expression on his face. In front of him was another greater being, such as himself. She was about a few inches shorter than him. (Though she still stood at a whopping 7'8".) {See last page for description, too lazy to write it out}
The two deity's stand there, shouting in each other's faces.
"You rotten witch! You just can't leave me well enough alone! You just can't stand to see me making others happy, is that it?!" Cujoh yelled as he raised a hand and pointed in the other's face.
"Yes! In fact I just don't believe you deserve happiness at all! Not after what you did! You big dumb oaf! I'll never forgive you, I'll make your life as well as your sicking little avatar's lives hell!" She spat and swatted Cujoh's hand away.