As the Hashira of strength, it's taken a lot to get where Fumiko Hanamura to get where she is. She's left family, friends, and everything to pursue the way of the sword. That's the story she usually tells, anyway. In truth it all started when she met the most beautiful woman she's ever met.
Living in a small town on the mountain side, she grew up lonely. None of the men there ever caught her interest. In fact, none of them liked her either. Too masculine, too manly they all said. And good, she always replied, she was hard worker and her work in lumber always kept her busy. And it was like that for a while, until she grew restless. She yearned for a life outside of a town that didn't see her for her. And so, one day she packed up and left for a better life. After a while of traveling she'd find herself in the entertainment district. She stopped for a room, to sleep and clean up. That was until she saw the beautiful oiran Aoisume Dazai. They caught each other's eyes and it was love at first sight. Many of Aoisume's patrons disapproved of their Oiran's interest in Fumiko, but she cared little. No one ever had Fumiko's touch, smell, look, and most importantly loving personality. Fumiko fell in love with Aoisume's caring and thoughtful nature, her gentleness and grace. They loved with a love that caused many jealousy.
This caused the clients under Dazai's house to break in and exact their evils upon her.
Setting foot under her house was their first mistake.
Six men entered her house that night, only one came out, preaching the fact that the woman known as Fumiko Hanamura had killed his friends and he was next. And like that, Fumiko was a wanted woman. Fumiko ran off that night and left Aoisume with a broken heart. They knew they could never see each other again, and with that their chapter in each other's lives concluded. And this is where Fumiko's long road to slaying demons began.
While on the run, she encountered a strange man on the road. He had followed her for some ways down the road and didn't show signs of relenting. And so she turned and spoke with the man, only to have him jump and go for her throat. With one swift kick, she sent him flying and hurtling towards a tree, his neck snapped viciously when contact was made. She stared in fear, for she had taken another life. That's what she thought until he stood up and growled as he tried fixing his neck. She took this time to continue her assault, mangling his body until nothing was recognizable. But alas, he still lived on. That was when a man with flaming locks of yellow and red came to her aid.
"Miss, are you alright?" Said the man in a white flame tipped haori. Fumiko looked to him, her eyes wide with shock. She looked at herself, covered in old and new blood.
". . . Not my blood." Was all Fumiko could reply. The man in the uniform nodded and walked over to the mangled monster.
"You did some serious damage here, ma'am. I'm glad you can handle yourself." He said as he unsheathed his sword and swiftly brought it down, disconnecting the neck from the shoulders of . . . The mess.
"Thanks." She said, coming off coldly. In truth she was shaken to her core. She has been running all night after killing those men who tried to. . . Tried to . . .
"You seem amazingly built, strong posture. . ." The man said as he stared at Fumiko and rubbed his chin. He hummed and looked to the disappearing body and back to Fumiko.
"Do you know what I am?" He asked simply to Fumiko. She shook her head no. He then went on to explain what demons were and what he was, a Demon Slayer. He had them offered her to become a Slayer, to which she declined. She wasn't ready. She needed time to compose herself. And slaying demons wasn't her fight. She wanted nothing to do with it.
That was until she had another encounter with a demon. She had wandered into a town at night, looking for lodging. But what she found was a massacre. Men, women, and children all torn limb from limb. Drained of their blood and organs. This was when she found that she could be redeemed. This horrible act she had committed could only be purged by working for the good of the people she had wronged. She sought out the man with the flame haori, and with his help she learned and mastered this breathing technique called Flame Breathing. Through Shinjuro Rengoku she met other Hashira. And by them she had learned their ways, she learned and mastered other forms of breathing.
Known Breathing Styles - Fumiko mastered Water Breathing, Flame Breathing, Mist Breathing, Wind Breathing, Flower Breathing, Love Breathing, and Sound Breathing.
Ages Backstory - 21 At Time of KNY - 44
Weapon A bigger nichirin sword, to fit her stature
Height 7'0"
Crush None
Rank Hashira
Personality Fumiko is a harsh woman, but it's only to ensure her students are well trained. When she's not training Tsugukos she's mostly kinder, but on off days she can be real cranky and miserable. Though cranky, she's considerate and does what she can for her students and friends. Her attitude stems from seeing so many fall over the years, so she doesn't let many get too close to her.
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