Chapter 5

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~×At Home×~

     "I'm back!"

      ~°• Um host I would hate to break it to you buttt there's no people in the mansion... you live by yourself, excempting me ofcourse (⁰▿⁰) •°~

     "Oh come on don't be such a killjoy- I just do this a lot and besides I'm excited to test out the abilities of those gems!"

     ~°• oh! right the gems, shall we try it now Host?! •°~

     "Hm.... I would love to but maybe later, I gotta take a shower I feel sticky from all the sweat after practicing. Geez, so tiring..."

     ~°• Alright! I'll be in the changing room! •°~

     "Huh? Why?"

     ~°• I'll be transforming into my humanoid form, it would seem that it is more useful than just floating in the air while being invisible, I can't help you in some situations....•°~

     "Oh, then do you have some clothes ready?"

     ~°• Yes, got some from the closet that I think will fit me •°~

     "Alright, see you in 30 minutes"

     With that, Adrian ran off to take a warm bath in the bathroom.


     •| Hah... Taking a bath after training is the best! Where's my milk tho-.... |•

     "HOST!" Shouts Cleo.

     Turning around Adrian faces Cleo with half a smile.

     "Hm? Oh Cleo hey- HOLY GUACAMOLE"

     "What? Don't I look dashing host?" Cleo says pridefully. 

     "Dang, I didn't think you would be handsome in your humanoid form not as hot as me though"

     ".......Thank you host- er young master ◝(⁰▿⁰)◜"

     "Wow even in a humanoid form you still use those emoticons huh- and how does that even work?"

(A/N: ye how does that work (⊙ȏ⊙)?)

     "That's a secret for me to know and for you to find out host ( ´◡‿ゝ◡')"

     "Oh... I'll be right back I'm going to search for my nightwears"

     Adrian sauntered towards the closet beside the bathroom door looking for clothes to wear.

     A while later he decided to go with the white silk nightwears on the corner.

     He quickly takes out the silk pajamas and strides inside the black dressing screen with golden frames.


     "I wonder how much would this dressing screen cost if I sell it"

     "Why would you need to sell it young master? It looks nice though (TwT)"

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