Chapter 3

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"Young master, I have come across something that might be of interest to you."

Harry stopped in the middle of watering his favorite potted plant and turned towards his AI. "What did you find out?"

"I am replaying the recording."

The projected images of his aunt and uncle appeared.

"Vernon?" It was Petunia. She sounded worried.

"What is it, honey crumb?"

Harry snickered at the nickname.

"You know I was just decluttering the attic?"

Vernon hummed. "Yes?"

"I found something...from my sister. It concerns the boy."

His uncle's face darkened. "What about him?"

Petunia handed him a paper. "It's a letter to him from Lily, and it mentions the boy's true parents. They adopted him, Vernon."

Harry froze. What?

Vernon ripped the parchment out of her hands. His eyes widened. "What?!"

His eyes flew over the words. "Tony Stark? Is this a joke?"

"It's her handwriting," Petunia replied and wrung her hands. "And it explains the boy's intelligence. Stark is supposed to be a genius."

Vernon's hands trembled, and he suddenly looked like a cat that got the canary. "Do you know what this means, Tuny? We'll be rich."

"Vernon?" Petunia looked confused.

"Think about it, honey crumb," Vernon grinned. It was not pleasant."The boy's the son of one of the richest people around, and who took care of him? We! We can ask him to compensate for everything. "

"Is that safe, though?" Petunia looked torn. "What if he tells him something?"

"Tell him what?" Vernon grunted. "We fed and clothed the brat and allowed him to go to this special school of his. He should be thankful for it."

The recording ended.

Harry stared at the wall. His father was not his father? He was the son of someone else? Someone, who was alive?

"James," he whispered, "find everything you can about Tony Stark."

"I already did, young master," James replied, "I have sent the information to your tablet."

"Thank you, James," Harry repeated quietly. Then he started reading.


In the end, it was not a hard decision.

"Aunt Petunia, Uncle Vernon, I am off to the IGC. I want to ask some questions about college application."

His uncle grunted. "Fine. As long as you don't do anything freakish."

Harry did something freakish. A soon, as he was out of sight of the house, he took out his chopstick and waved.

A loud popping sound resonated through the air and a big red bus appeared in front of him.

The doors swung open and lanky boy jumped down.

"Welcome to the Knight Bus! I am Stun Shunpike, your conductor. Where do you want to go?"

"Diagon Alley, please," Harry replied and followed the conductor in.

"Right away," the boy replied cheerfully. "Eleven sickles, please."

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