Chapter 5

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Pepper stared at the strange robotic creature flitting about the kitchen. It looked like someone had mixed Gandalf with a miniature version of Mark III.

Tony and Harry were sitting at the kitchen table, grinning like lunatics and cheerfully munching on pancakes.

The robot stopped in front of her and took of its pointy hat. Pepper blinked as a perfectly gold-brown pancake popped right out of it.

"May I present," Tony announced dramatically, "Markandalf. The first robot Harry and I made together." He patted the chair next to him. "Markandalf, serve her a pancake."

"I shall pass!" the robot announced and put the plate down.

Pepper snorted and sat down. "I was worried you would have a hard time adjusting, but it seems you two are getting along just fine – oh, that's delicious."

The two males exchanged satisfied looks.

Pepper smiled. It was good to see them at ease with each other. "So, how was your first day, Harry?" She reached for the syrup.

Harry chewed thoughtfully and swallowed before answering. "Well, it's all still quite a bit new, but I had fun today."

Pepper painted a syrupy smiley face on her pancake and winked at Harry. "That's good to hear, Harry. If you need any help with that oaf over there, you can always come to me."

"Thank you," Harry answered over Tony's mock-protesting.

Pepper ignored it. "So, when are we going to release a press statement?" she asked instead, "you know the media will find out about him eventually."

Tony scowled and impaled his pancake a bit harder than necessary. "Yeah, but that would also draw attention to him."

"I wouldn't mind," Harry interjected softly, "I am already used to people recognizing me."

"I am not only talking about that, kid," Tony replied, an unusually serious look on his face. "I am also talking about my enemies — and SHIELD. It's one thing to announce my home address when it's just me, but now I've your safety to consider." He sighed. "But I guess it's not avoidable if you want to move about freely. We'll just have to make sure to keep you protected." His lips twitched. "At least, you have your chopsticks."

Pepper blinked. Chopsticks?

Tony put his fork down. "In three days, Pepper," he announced and stood. "But now it's time for a surprise." He placed his hand on the child's shoulder and grinned as Harry looked curiously at him. "Your room is ready, kid."

"My room?" Harry repeated.

Tony raised an eyebrow. "You didn't think I'd let you sleep on the couch, did you?"

A gentle sky blue decorated the walls, and the floor was made of light, warm wood.

Harry stopped in front of the wide window that took up the entire wall and looked outside.

New York's colourful lights illuminated the night. He could see the bustling life of the city far below him. So close and yet so far away. It was beautiful and yet, it made him feel strangely disconnected.

"This is nifty, young master," James remarked behind him.

"Nifty?" Harry repeated, laughter in voice, and the strange feeling evaporated. "Where did you pick this up?"

"On a blog, young master," James replied.

Harry snorted. "Of course." He slumped on his bed. It was almost as big as Dudley's second bedroom – and so very comfy. "Jarvis, blinds down, please."
"Of course, Master Harry. I wish you a pleasant night."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2022 ⏰

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