Chapter 2

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Harry was just in the middle of sharing a nice dinner with Fred and George Weasley as they got interrupted by a blonde boy and his entourage.

The blond extended his hand towards him. "I am Malfoy, Draco Malfoy," he announced in a haughty voice.

Harry grabbed his hand. "The name is Bond. James Bond."

Malfoy stared at him in complete incomprehension. "What?"

"Young master was making a reference to the James Bond movies," James supplied as he scanned the three people, "a very popular spy series enjoyed by many."

"A what?" Malfoy repeated, completely out of his depth. His two friends, as well as the Weasley twins, looked equally lost.

Harry sighed. "Sit down, all of you. James, start playing Dr. No."

"Yes, young master."

Students and teachers alike stared as the AI projected the first James Bond movie on the wall.

"Mr. Potter, this is not age appropriate!" Minerva McGonagall complained as the first clothes fell on screen. "Stop this at once!"

Harry rolled his eyes. "Fine. James, switch to the Lion King."

"Yes, young master."

The impromptu movie night was a full success.


"Young master, I wish to inform you of an irregularity."

Harry sipped on his tea. It tasted rather bland.  "What is it?"

"Professor Quirrell just allowed a very massive creature into the castle. It bears a strange semblance to one of the mythical beats mentioned in Fantastical Beasts and where to find them."

Harry bookmarked his page. "What beast, James?"

"A troll, young master."

"Well, shit."

"Quite so, young master. Should I notify the faculty?"

"Yes." Harry stood up and walked towards the library door. "Where is it?"

"At the lady's restroom on the floor below."

"Let me guess. The troll is male."

"Indeed, young master."

There was a loud crashing sound and suddenly the ground opened only a few steps in front of them as a gigantic wooden club crashed right through it.

Harry peered through the newly formed hole and saw several teachers surrounding the troll. "James, electrocute."

"The troll, young master?"



"...and then it fell over. Just like that," Harry finished his tale and munched on his chocolate frog. Fred and George doubled over in laughter.

"Oh Merlin, Harry," Fred breezed, "This is hilarious."

"Totally," George agreed, still snickering. "But," his face suddenly went serious and Fred sobered up, too. "Why did Quirrell do that? Why did he endanger everyone?"

"That, Mister George, is the crucial question," James agreed. "During the incident, Quirinus Quirrell was located at the Forbidden Corridor."

"So, he wants whatever is hidden there," Fred mused.  "But what is it?"

"It must be something valuable," Harry interjected, "or dangerous."

"Well, why don't we go and find it out?" George suggested.

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