Chapter 7

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There is a scenery Sakura likes.

It has two mountains with rough strokes of brown standing tall in the back and the sun between them, smiling. A blue stream starts from the mouth of the sun and runs along the mountains to a village, in which stand three trees and a hut. In front of the hut, three people drawn as sticks stand hand-in-hand—Sakura and her parents. They both smile. Sakura doesn't. It's hard to draw the smile on her face. She's been trying for 24 years now.


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"Hmmm..." Mikoto frowns, chopsticks in hand. "Don't be picky with your food, Sakura!"

Sasuke eyes her from the corner of his eyes, amused, and Sakura can't help but feel embarrassed, slowly nibbling on the egg she picked out from her oden. She hears a childlike giggle from Izumi and wonders whether pregnancy does that to you—makes you adorable like a child. She lets her eyes wander to the food on the table, all made by Mikoto, and it makes her think this is home.

"I noticed you were leaving out the daikons. It's not good to be picky. Especially if you're..."

Mikoto smirks, having gotten the point across everyone, ignoring how Sakura coughs with her face red and tears in her eyes, and Sasuke clears his throat, his eyes roaming around the dining room.

"Mother, it's not what you think it is," Sasuke says briskly. He fixes his collar and fidgets with his food as Mikoto stares him down, and Sakura feels she won't be able to taste any of the food.

"What do you mean?"

"She fainted from exhaustion."

"How are you so sure?"

"Because we didn't—" Sasuke holds his tongue as Sakura pulls on his sleeve, her gaze low, ears red while she bites on her lip.

"Leave it, Mikoto." Fugaku doesn't lift his gaze as he talks, staring at his food, but still maintains control over the household, his voice echoing with power and authority. Sakura realizes how Sasuke is so much like his mother, under the mask of the personality of his father: his presence is not that intimidating. He's more charming than he knows. The thought creates a ticklish feeling in her belly.

"Let them go at their own pace." Fugaku is still talking with his head down, but everyone listens well. "We shouldn't interfere in matters of husband and wife."



Silence accompanies the call. He was not rude, neither did he raise his voice, nor did he command anything. Just a gaze, and mother calms down. Sakura thinks this is what it means to be in authority. Usually, she has seen mother more in charge of family matters and father quietly agreeing. But when the situation calls, no one dare defies him. Sakura can't imagine doing so herself.

"Mom, are you not happy with my child?" Izumi asks, loosening her lower lip, eyes downcast, but Mikoto wraps her arms around her.

"No, dear. I can't express how happy I am. I feel like the happiest mother alive."

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