Chapter 16

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"When you said you were getting me food, I at least expected an Izakaya."

Sakura's lips curve into a gentle smile of amusement as her eyes fall upon the modest, slightly weathered two-seater stall. Konoha town, nestled on the better border of Kagawa prefecture, affords a view of the narrow ribbon of sea that served to either connect or separate them from Honshu. While Tokyo held her dreams in its grasp, Okayama had often found her gaze during moments of solitude and emptiness, its twinkling nightlights reflecting upon the tranquil waters, with the legendary city of Momotarou seemingly a leap of faith away.

"It's better than any Izakaya you can find in Konoha," says Sasuke.

"I'll take your word for it," Sakura replies, peering around the small establishment. The faint smell of fish sauce makes her mouth water as her eyes scan the board up front, "Kaki no Juugo" painted in plain black ink. White Norens sway gently, hiding a small opening, rough illustrations of fishes and squids etched on it in intricate black strokes. On either side of what could generously be termed a shop sat a duo of wooden chairs accompanied by a quaint table and a colorful beach umbrella jutting out of soft ground. Certainly a choice for a date spot.

Sasuke leads her towards it and away from the shoreline, reminding her to watch her step before he calls out a name she can clearly see spelled out.


A burly man shows up, ducking at the opening and lifting the Noren with one arm before he walks out.


Sasuke angles his face down from beside her, casting her a side glance, and asks, "Sake?"

"You need to drive back," scolds Sakura.

"I can handle some alcohol."

"You were already drunk before we met."

His shoulders shake in a dismissive shrug and Sakura huffs, only half-annoyed. "Setting quite the example, Inspector Uchiha."

"Senior Investigator," Sasuke interjects, pivoting to meet her gaze squarely, his hands leisurely tucked into his pockets as he bends down to her eye level. "And who's gonna give me a ticket? Itachi?" As Sakura shoots him a discerning look, Sasuke responds with a scoff before straightening up, apparently unfazed by the subtle "Corruption" said under her breath and motions for the big guy—Juugo, was it?—to come closer as he escorts her to a seat.

Sakura takes a closer look at him. His tousled brown hair go up in all directions and he dons a half-sleeved shirt, putting on a show of his big muscles. Juugo appears to be the most out-of-place thing in this humble place, as if he belongs more in a butcher's shop than a seafood restaurant.

"Sake," Sasuke tells him, before looking at her, "Karaage?"

"I thought this was seafood." Sakura sighs, turning to Juugo. "Do you have some fried shrimp? I'll have a plate. Thank you."

Juugo walks away with a nod and Sakura turns to Sasuke, who answers before she can ask.

"He's one of my informants."

She stiffens, eyes widening and a hoard of questions on her tongue when Juugo walks in bearing two bottles of sake and a plate of anchovies. She offers him a nod of thanks before seamlessly returning to the conversation.

"Are you sure I should know?"

Sasuke nods and explains, "Sometimes, I won't be back from work for days. I pull all-nighters for urgent cases." He places a cup before her and pours her some drink. "Juugo will pick you up then. You should know him."

It results in a faint fluttering sensation stirring in her stomach and she blames it on the hunger, eyeing the anchovies and the cutlery, which is unexpectedly neat. The sea looks like a mass of squid ink reflecting the stars and the lanterns on the shop cast a red-orange glow on the porcelain bottles. It is surprisingly ambient, despite her previous misgivings. Sasuke raises his cup, and Sakura follows suit, the gentle clinking of glasses drowned out by their calmer chorus of "Kampai!" and she gulps the liquid down in one go. The feeling of the junmai-shu sliding down her throat is nice, the earthy, parched flavor just how she likes it, when she reaches for the dry fish before her even drier company. She wonders what kind of drunk Sasuke is. Whether he is honest, or loud, or the ones that go quiet and sleepy. Sasuke wordlessly takes small sips from his own cup while she chews on her snack and pours herself some more.

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