Chapter 33: Not a game part 2

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"What the fuck do you want?" I practically spat in disgust

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"What the fuck do you want?" I practically spat in disgust.

"I just want to talk things out, Please just listen to me."

"Listen to you? is this a joke?"

"Isaac I love you, at first it was about the money, but as soon as I married Greg all he's done is treat me like garbage, and I realize now that you've always treated me with kindness and respect. Isaac, I love you, not Greg and it took me so long to realize that."

"Sabrina, do I look stupid to you?" I say in a deep dark voice that even scares me.

"What!? no!"

"My life is not a game that you can just play with, I loved you, I gave you everything you ever wanted, and you repay me by spitting on my name and then making me look like a fool."

"I know but I realized that I was wrong and I'm sorry, I-." I hung up on her, it disgusted me how she could say those three words with ease and know love behind them and of all fucking days.

That was my Breaking Point, I couldn't anymore, so I started wrecking my office because at least I had control of whether my office was messy or not.


10:45 pm

Rowan's POV

After calling Isaac multiple times I get worried, so I call Evan to ask him if he drove him back home, but apparently, he's still at the office. I take my car and drive it to the office, and also a small cake, and a cute card Lovey made for Isaac before going to her sleepover. and a new Rolex in the back seat.

because according to Isaac's sisters Isaac's birthday is today, but he doesn't like to celebrate it, and he doesn't like anyone congratulating him either. Apparently, he thinks it's arbitrary and we're all going to die anyway. Darkness, brooding, you know the normal Isaac bullshit.

but I'm kind of known for not listening to him so I do it anyways. I walk towards the elevators and press the 14th button, which presents in my hands. I can't wait to see him, I'm basically bursting at the seams with happiness, even though the past few days haven't been the best, Isaac was there for me, and I even owe him my life.

The elevator stops at the 14th floor and I walk out, the office seems so quiet this late and janitors are the only ones who seem to be here right now. I walk in the direction of Isaac's office, once I get there I turn the knob but it won't open, so I knock on the door.

"Hello, Isaac are you in there?" I get no reply

"Isaac, hello?" Still nothing, so I get out my phone from my jacket end call him. I can hear the phone ringing in there and I get worried.

I drop the presents and my bag onto the ground and run over to my office, I scramble through the drawers for the key that Isaac gave me for the office just in case he got locked out. I find it and I run back over to his office doors.

I open the door to Isaac's office, and when I do I'm in shock. His office is absolutely wrecked, and he's on the ground drinking bourbon. I run over to Isaac.

"Isaac, are you okay? What happened to your office? it looks like a war was in here." I jokingly say to lighten the mood. Isaac slowly looks at me.

"What are you doing here?" I was surprised, his voice is way deeper than usual and he sounds kind of dead.

"Well I got worried when you didn't show up or call me, that's kind of what happens when you just leave, on your birthday might I add," I say with a smile. He looks at me with an unreadable expression on his face but I don't let that bother me. I walk over to the door where I dropped his presents.

"You should go." Isaac says while getting up."

"What?" I say while looking back at him.

"You should leave, like now." I scrunch up my face in confusion. Just this morning he was kissing my forehead and saying goodbye, and now he's acting like this?

"Isaac, what are you talking about?" I go over to touch him but he slaps my hand away. My eyes widen in surprise. What the hell is going on with him.

"Isaac, you're acting like a dick right now."

"I said get the hell out."

"Are you serious?" I said in disbelief.

"Don't be an idiot, if I wasn't serious I wouldn't be saying it."

"Did you just call me an idiot?"

"If the shoe fucking fits." Isaac spat.

"Why are you being so mean to me?" I said clenching my teeth.

"You-you-you, you're so fucking selfish, it's always about you, for once can it be something that doesn't involve you." He scoffs.

"How could I like a selfish bitch like you?" I'm dumbfounded, that felt like an arrow, no more like an axe to the heart. A silent tear falls down my cheek. I slowly walked backwards, I pick up my bag, and put the strap on my shoulder."

"Happy birthday, Mr. Collins," I say bitterly, then power walks my way out of the office. I could hear Isaac behind me, but I was too in my head to hear what you saying. How could I be so stupid, no one will ever love me.

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