Part 2

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I find myself awkwardly free the following Saturday. The perfect opportunity to start digging into this mess. I start to pick through what information is known about Bellatrix's death, just in case. A fresh set of eyes can notice things that tired ones don't, after all.

Articles from various sources state basically the same thing - Lestrange was killed by Molly Weasley in defense of her daughter. The body wasn't recovered, though Molly has been quoted several times stating that 'her body turned to ash'. All other eyewitness accounts repeat this testimony - Molly Weasley hit Bellatrix in the heart with a curse, and instantly killed her.

I spend several hours digging, and by midmorning I've come to the conclusion that the specific curse used really was never mentioned. I grumble in frustration. I was hoping to avoid speaking directly to Molly if possible, but it seems like I'll have to make a trip to the Burrow.


I know our communication has been fairly nonexistent over the past year, and for that I do apologize. It was hard to spend time around everyone, with all that was going on.

That said, I've recently begun trying to bring myself some peace of mind regarding the events of the war. I cannot shake the knowledge that a certain witch's body was never found, and the idea that I'll find her above me one night to finish the job leaves me shaken to my core.

I understand that it may not help, but I would appreciate talking over with you - in detail - the moment that you killed her.

I know that taking a life isn't easy - not even necessarily the life of someone like her - so I request you only go through with this if you're truly comfortable with it. If so, I'd like to meet with you at some point today in an attempt to assuage some of my fears.


Hermione Granger

I receive an owl back within an hour - which is somewhat surprising to me, though I should've known a time of silence wouldn't be enough to dissuade the Weasleys.

A small voice in my head tells me that I should let her know the true reason why I'm digging into Bellatrix's death. I ignore it.

I promised I would help Ms. Black, and besides, this is not a lie. I do feel genuine fear at the knowledge that Bellatrix's body wasn't found. More than one of my recurring nightmares are about her finding me, taunting me about hiding - just to get me. I shudder, and roll open the small strip of parchment.


Please do come over whenever you like! I'll have a nice meal ready for us before we get to the morbid discussions. I'll be expecting you as soon as possible! There's so much for us to catch up on.


I can't help but smile fondly. Always the perfect hostess, in her own way.

"Thank you again for meeting with me today, Molly." I settle on the couch in the sitting room of the Burrow - the familiar smells and sights have all but eradicated my nerves about the coming conversation.

"Well of course, Hermione! You're like a daughter to me, even without marriage and all. Everything you 'n Ron 'n Harry've been through, you're basically siblings." She sits in a chair that she magically drags from somewhere else in the house. "Perfectly willing to do whatever needs doing, to help you."

"I suppose we should just get this done. Can you describe what happened when you killed her? What curse you used?"

Molly's face pinches in concentration as she tries to wrest the memory up. "Wish I had a pensieve! It's a hard thing to describe with words. I saw her, staring down Ginny and the others, and I just lost it. They'd already taken one of mine, and I wasn't going to let them take another. Certainly not.

Act I: I Can't Believe I'm Doing ThisWhere stories live. Discover now