Part 19

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"Hermione Granger! You are not blowing this off again, especially now that you aren't working! I expect you at my home at eight sharp!" I flinch at the last word - Ginny sent a very angry howler. After a few moments of silence, it speaks again, "And bring Cissa. I think it's about time we force the boys to reconcile with this, and I want to talk to her about some jewelry."

As the howler shreds itself, I sigh and lean back against my couch. She's right - I've missed the past ten or so get-together meals at Grimmauld. Between helping Cissa and working, I didn't have time.

Really, though, if I'm being honest with myself, I was avoiding going because Ron is there most of the time. I still can't really hold a conversation with him, and I always feel like I'm getting in the way of the fun because of it. Now, I don't have an excuse. And I have to convince Cissa to come with me.

Sometimes it feels like Ginny doesn't think at all when she makes plans like this. My working with Cissa is pretty common knowledge amongst my friends at this point, but none of them have expressed a desire to meet her. If anything, most of them have avoided the topic altogether. I can't imagine how they'll react to her being there. I doubt Ginny will warn them. I can't do this - it'll be a disaster.

I stand up and force myself over to the desk, ready to write a letter back to Ginny refuting the idea entirely, but remember that Cissa and I are supposed to meet up in an hour or so and pick up where we left off - digging through Bellatrix's private journals. It can't hurt to at least try to talk to her about it. That way, when I owl Ginny, I can say that Cissa turned it down. Ginny might be stubborn, but I doubt she'll go against that.

My Lord has entrusted me with a great artifact today, it was most precious to Him. He requested that I hide it, keep it safe. I will, and He will reward me most justly for my service to Him. I must simply await his return from destroying those filthy blood-traitors, the Potters.

I feel a little sick to my stomach after reading that, knowing that this was probably written on the night that Harry's family died. The scrap of parchment feels the same as any of the other magical traces from Bellatrix - cold and sharp, like ice. Just another day for Bellatrix Lestrange. I half-wish I'd stayed at the Ministry, just to have kept the briefcase, but it's too late to turn back on that decision now.

A knock at my door brings me back to myself, and I roll up the small piece of parchment to put it back into the small bag of Bellatrix's notes I'd taken from our last visit. I take a moment to push the unpleasant thoughts away, and pull open the door. "Cissa, good to see you!"

Even I know it comes across a little off, and Cissa confirms it by asking, "Is everything quite alright?" She gives me a once-over as she asks, clearly concerned. I think the incident with the tree still has her concerned - not that I blame her. I'd be just as worried in her shoes.

"Yes, sorry, just... small, unexpected change of plans for today." I gesture at the pile of shredded howler on the floor, "I got that from Ginny earlier. I will be predisposed for the evening, since I have not been to one of our get-togethers for... too long."

"While that is unfortunate, we are at something of a standstill regardless. At least until your magic is back in working order." After a moment's pause, "I suppose I should return to the Manor, then."

"Actually, about that... Ginny wanted me to invite you." I see Cissa tense at the idea, but I forge onward with Ginny's request, "She said she wanted you to attend as well."

It takes her a moment to process that, but after she gathers herself, Cissa says, "While I am truly honored to have been invited, I cannot fathom why Ginevra would think this an acceptable plan."

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