Part 9

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As soon as I know my next availability, I sit down to draft a letter to invite Narcissa back to continue our research. I can't exactly do much without some of the books from the Malfoy Manor, after all.

I'm trying to think of how to phrase my invitation when my mind wanders back to the apology I received from Narcissa. I never did properly respond to it, did I...? Well, there wouldn't be much point to responding now. I wander to the kitchen, where the half-rolled parchment is still sitting. I unfurl it briefly, glancing over the words one more time for... some reason, when my eyes catch on something.

"It would not be the first Unbreakable Vow I have taken."

What if it wasn't Molly's curse that killed Bellatrix? It may not have been an Unbreakable Vow, specifically, but it's very possible. If I remember rightly, I had a book that detailed uncommon spells. Before I even finish the thought, I'm standing in front of my bookshelf, fingers gliding along the titles. I remember reading something about... There! I flip until I see the excerpt that sparked my memory.

When broken, an Unbreakable Vow causes the instantaneous overload of the vow breaker's magical core, usually killing the breaker in moments. In rare cases, this can be held off by incredibly powerful witches or wizards, but one minute is the longest time ever recorded. Most commonly, a vow breaker bursts into flames due to the intense heat from their overloaded magical core.

It's not definitely a cause of death, but it's more than we had before. Excitedly, I rush to my desk to scrawl out a short letter.


I've had an exceptional idea that I feel we need to discuss in depth at our next meeting. What if it was not a curse that killed your sister, but an Unbreakable Vow? I know it seems insane but I have my logic. I don't have time to write a full explanation right now - I have work soon - but I will be available two days from now and we can discuss the specifics then.

In the meantime, do you have any of Bellatrix's things? Journals, notes, those kinds of things? They could help us work out if I'm right.


P.S. - If possible, consider wearing robes that can pass for muggle clothing. One of my neighbors was... confused, and I'd like not to draw much attention, if possible.

I depart for the day, excited and still feeling the rush of possible progress.

When I arrive home that night, it is to a metal tube sitting in the brass pan I finally set up as a receptacle for owl post that arrives when I'm away. It's a letter from Narcissa.

Dear Hermione,

I cannot say that I knew of any Unbreakable Vows that Bellatrix took before her passing, but it could be possible. As mentioned, I have previously taken one, and the fiery magic that coursed through me certainly threatened to turn me to ash. I only wonder what Vow she took that was broken at the Battle of Hogwarts? Surely it was not related to attacking Ginevra Weasley.

Regarding your requests for Bellatrix's things: I completed the forms for her safer belongings to be released into my possession some time ago, but received no reply. Unfortunately, I fear some disdain for the Black name is involved, as further letters sent requesting information regarding the status of my inquiry have been similarly ignored. It may be some time yet before we can use Bella's things in our search.

In the meantime, I will begin gathering texts that speak in-depth on Unbreakable Vows. Perhaps there is something to be learned.


Act I: I Can't Believe I'm Doing ThisWhere stories live. Discover now