Part 14

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Dear Hermione,

I believe I have finally decided on a destination for our meal. If you are available tomorrow, I can set our reservation for the evening.

Also, if you are amenable, I would like to attempt to walk Diagon Alley together beforehand. I recall you mentioning that it has been egregiously long since you visited Flourish and Blotts. Perhaps we could rectify that issue?



As I sit, finishing up dressing for the day ahead, I read over the letters sitting on my desk again to make sure I'm not forgetting anything. We exchanged further letters to iron out the details - we're to be meeting in front of Ollivander's in a few minutes, ready to attempt our walk - but she still hasn't told me where we're going. And, apparently, she won't be telling me until just before we Apparate there.

I stand and grab my wand - just in case - and Disapparate to Diagon Alley, already bracing for the crowd of people likely to gather.

When I regain my bearings, I look around to see the crowd turning to look at me nearly immediately, and mentally start preparing myself for the inevitable string of questions. Instead of being rushed down, though, I hear a voice, "Hermione, thank you for joining me today," and feel a hand slip into the crook of my elbow. Cissa shoots her in-public smile at me when I look at her, then begins to walk. I follow her lead, a bit surprised as the people part and let us through.

After we're some distance away - not being harried at all, thankfully, though still near Ollivander's - Cissa says, "Apologies for the abruptness, but I have learned that my presence seems to dissuade others from interacting for the most part. We should be relatively unbothered for the day." She then pauses, just in front of the door to the shop, and turns towards it. "Hermione, I would ask that you humor me for a moment. Something we spoke about after the ball stuck with me - that your wand was not much more than an accessory."

I nod, "Yes, that's true. I doubt I could fight without it, but for the most part my magic is just as powerful without a wand."

"That... should not be happening. Yes, it is true that very powerful witches and wizards can be incredible without a wand, but using a wand should always produce better results." She shifts a bit, clearly thinking through her next words carefully. "If it is not too out of line, I would ask that you visit Mr. Ollivander once more. I think that, perhaps, you and your wand are not as compatible as you were when you acquired it."

Her words hit with the weight of a punch to the gut. "I- how is that possible?" This vinewood wand has been with me through hell, through a war. How could we not be suited for each other?

"From time to time, as we progress through our lives, we change. Wands respond to who you are ," here, she presses her palm to her chest, over her heart, "and some significant events can change that so drastically that wands simply... fall out of tune with you." Cissa assesses me with a look, then continues, "I had to replace my wand after the war, Hermione. It would not listen to me at all anymore, refused to cast even the most basic spells." She draws her wand, and I get a good look at it for the first time. It's made of a light-colored wood and surprisingly plain. The grip is just slightly curved, but otherwise it is just wood. "Beech, eleven and a half inches, unicorn hair core, and 'pleasantly bendy'. Mr. Ollivander's words, not mine, you understand. My previous wand was silver lime, believe it or not, and - apparently - something about me changed so drastically... Perhaps now it would listen to me again, but I am bonded quite strongly to this one."

"Do you know much about wandlore? You speak about it with confidence." I think I'm stalling now, but I am genuinely curious, too.

"I do not. Only the basics. Mr. Ollivander and I managed something of a truce during his time incarcerated at the manor, and he spoke at length about it. Much of the knowledge he shared went well beyond my capacity to understand, but I did retain some."

Act I: I Can't Believe I'm Doing ThisWhere stories live. Discover now