Part 4

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I've been ready to go to Harry's for an hour, but I can't seem to manage the courage to just go . I can't remember the last time Harry initiated a heart-to-heart conversation, and the suspense is killing me. My mind can't stop racing through the possibilities of what this could be about. Did Ginny tell him what's going on? Have I somehow been breaking some laws? What if the Aurors have people watching Ms. Black, and my time spent with her has made me a person of interest?

The last thought gives me pause. Why would Ms. Black be under watch? She's done nothing wrong these past few years, that I know of. I surprise myself with just how indignant I get at the thought of it - we're hardly close, but the idea of violating an innocent person's privacy is upsetting regardless. If Harry is going to bring it up, I'll make sure she isn't being watched for some ridiculous reason.

I choose to Apparate a few blocks away from Grimmauld Place. The walk gives me time to steel my nerves, even as it gives me another opportunity to chicken out and just leave. I could turn and walk away - cite extra work at the office. Harry wouldn't confront me about it unless it was deathly serious. Which... I suppose, this might be, to him. Oh, stop. You aren't even sure this is about Ms. Black.

I round the corner to the walkway, staring up at the house with apprehension sitting heavy in my gut. The walk to the front door feels too long and too short at the same time. I don't even knock, I just walk in, knowing that I'm expected.

"Harry? Ginny?" Usually James would be running around, or someone would be visiting - it's rare to see Grimmauld Place this quiet. I wander further in, looking around to see any signs of life. There's a thumping from upstairs, quickly growing louder. Someone must have heard me, after all.

"Hermione!" Ginny nearly tackles me in a hug, ever excitable. "I'm so glad that nasty woman hasn't cursed you."

"Oh, come on. She's perfectly pleasant, even if the conversation is a bit awkward." I push her off, straightening my clothes a bit. "And please, be careful. Some of us aren't professional athletes."

Harry comes down the stairs next, smiling brightly - though I can see the hints of nervousness around his eyes. I glance at Ginny and raise my eyebrow in question. What does he know?

Ginny and I perfected nonverbal communication in our last year together (not Legilimency, just familiarity and intuition), so I know she's purposely ignoring me in favor of getting some amusement from this. Which tells me that Harry doesn't know about my trips to see Ms. Black. Good. Some of the tension bleeds from my shoulders.

"How've you been, Hermione? Feels like we barely talk anymore!" There's a slightly strained edge to his voice.

I welcome the hug he offers. "We spoke just last week, Harry. I've just been working, mostly paperwork. Passing laws that upset pureblood families." Harry's face contorts a bit, though I can't place why. That's odd - I consider reading Harry to be one of my few social talents, even if he does wear his heart on his sleeve.

"Right, about that." Harry pauses in thought for a moment. The tension comes flying back - maybe he does know of my visits with Ms. Black? Oh, but even if he does it's likely just out of concern for me. Harry isn't going to start a shouting match. "I... I'm not exactly head Auror, Hermione, but I'm not a grunt. And, well, there've been some... reports... recently. About you."

"Oh? What about?" So they are tailing Ms. Black! How invasive!

"Just. Look, we've been friends for ages, right Hermione? We trust each other?"

Now I'm getting a little concerned. I grab his hand, squeezing a little in comfort. "Of course, Harry. You're like a brother to me."

He takes a deep, calming breath. "I'm sorry, you're right, I'm just overreacting. We've had some word that you've visited Malfoy Manor two times in as many weeks, and I just wasn't sure how to handle it at first. I'm not here to judge you, understand, but it's a little concerning, coming out of the blue like this..."

Act I: I Can't Believe I'm Doing ThisWhere stories live. Discover now