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Somewhere within the darker areas of the swampland is a passed out dark skinned(black), 14 year-old male. Who has his body spread out on the muddy poodle water.

He suddenly wakes up from the ground, with everything on the front side of his posture being wet. He turns his head side to side. Blinking his dark blue eyes.


The boy said out of a sudden rage, as he said this, four fleshly-like tentacle/tendrils arms popped out from his back. Ripping through his shirt and jacket. He looked back and groaned.

"Come on! That's the 10th pair you ripped through, Nathan."

Nathan said to himself as he facepalmed himself.

He looked around the area, noticing that all he saw were trees, mushrooms, and moss. He retracted his secondary limbs back into his ...back.

"...Where exactly, am I?"

He combed through his short messy black hair with his left hand. He checked his pockets. He took out his phone with the lock screen being a picture of him and a boy with blue eyes, lighter skin and brown hair. He sighed.

 "...Where could you be, brother?"

He put his phone back in his pocket and took out a lighter and a small 46-pack of matches before returning the items into their rightful place. He walks near a tree and begins to climb it.

After a while he got up to the point where he could see a forest still surrounding him and the sun in front of him shining... somewhat brightly.

'Alright, where to?'

He looked around until he found an area with fewer trees and more open space, that's far away from him.

 "Guess I'll be heading south."

Nathan climbed down from the tree, removed his jacket and tied it around his neck with the long end covering a bit of his damaged shirt.

"It'll have to do."

He decided as he headed off towards his destination.


The sun was heading down as Nathan kept on walking, feeling tired in the process. He looked up at the sky, noticing nightfall was coming.

"It's probably best to rest up for now."

He climbed up to a nearby tree with moss and glowing mushrooms and laid within the branches that were holding the leaves. It didn't take him long to sleep as he was snoring within a few seconds.

However, he might not get his beauty sleep as a- 

Freaking arrow goes right through his chest!


He shouted in surprise as his eyes looked down below spotting two big toads, one light blue and the other light green. With the blue one holding a crossbow and the green one holding a lantern.

"Did you hear that?"

The blue toad asked the green one. As the two of them tried to look for what made the sound.

"You need to be careful with that thing! You could've poked an eye out or worse."

The green toad scolded the shooter. The sounds of branches breaking can be heard in the background.

"I just forgot to turn the safety on. Besides, who could I have sho-"

The blue toad couldn't finish his sentence as Nathan's body dropped down on the ground near the two toads, presumably 'dead'.

(*DISCONTINUED*) Amphibians, Humans and 1 FreakWhere stories live. Discover now