A nightmare and a Stakeout.

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The area was all blur to Nathan as he saw himself running across a hallway of wires and panels. Alongside him was a boy with brown hair, around his height and age.

"Hey...-.would ya?!"

Nathan couldn't catch what he said.

"What did you say Leo?"

The figure turned his head around but only a bright flash blocked Nathan's vision as he found himself in a large room with some kind of enormous glowing shape behind him. In front of him were the boy named Leo on his right side and a taller man, supposingly in his mid-30's on the far left near a panel.

The man turned around to the boys saying something before the two boys were being sucked into the illuminating shape behind them. A figure walked behind to the adult male.

"Dad?! Hey! Can you hear me!?"

His words fell on deaf ears as the glow covered his entire vision, creating a huge flash into his eyes.



Nathan suddenly woke up in shock. Leaning away from the chair. He turned his head around the room..only to still see the same wooden interior of the planter's treehouse.

He rubbed his eyes with his wrists, cleaning the crud off.

 'I guess this means that this place is real...What dream did I have?'

He placed his hand on his forehead only to find out that he was sweating.

 '...Maybe I should get some fresh air.'

He got off from the chair and wrapped the cloak around his neck. He was about to walk his way out through the front door only to hear snoring nearby.

"Crap. I wasn't by myself."

He whispered, recalling about his supposed roommate sleeping in the living room on the couch.

 "Let's try to not wake Aurora over there now. Shall we?"

Two of his back limbs slithered out of his back and morphed into claws to support himself up in the air, using the floor below. He quietly moved over to the front entrance. Once he made it across he began to retract his limbs.

 "Well, I think that went quite-"

He noticed the lock on the door and frustratingly groaned to himself.

"Of course there would be a lock. Why wouldn't there be one?"

He sighed as he used one of the unretracted limbs and morphed it into a thinner shape.

He inserted the slender tendril into the keyhole and morphed it into the lock's designated shape. He opened up the lock and thus the door.

"...I must've had it bad."

He said as he was looking at the sky, still dark.

He slowly closed the door while attaching the lock using the tendril, shutting tight.

 "Ok...now what?"

He said now having completed his objective of going outside.

Nathan held his chin and thought deeply. Scratching his head with one of his tendrils while lifting himself high above the ground, crisscross. He looked at the area around him and saw a lake nearby. He also looked at the roof of the house and smirked.

 "I wonder how late night swims feel...or is it early day?"

He shook his head and took off whatever he had on him only to reveal himself in briefs. He began to hoist himself up to the top of the building using his tendrils. Once he made it he went near the edge of where the body of water was at.

(*DISCONTINUED*) Amphibians, Humans and 1 FreakWhere stories live. Discover now