『 Chapter 24: Where No One Goes 』

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"Wow. That really came out of nowhere." Hiccup said before hearing rocks crumbling. The four of you turned and watched the rock formation that you hit crumble to the ocean floor. Hiccup quickly turned towards you, "Thanks (Y/N)." You smirked and nodded.

Toothless looked at the rocks, then at you, and then at Hiccup.

Hiccup started closing all of the attachments he had open on his armor, "We- we got to work on your solo gliding there, bud. That, uh, locked-up tail makes for some pretty sloppy rescue maneuvers, hey?" Hiccup took off his helmet and looked out towards the horizon, fixing his hair. His arm dropped slightly before he turned and walked over to you. He lightly took your hand and pressed a kiss on your cheek, "Afternoon, Milady."

You chuckled, leaning back slightly, "I think you need to work on your "telling your girlfriend where you are going" skills. You would have probably hit that rock without me." You said, tightening your grip on his hand.

"Yeah. You're right. Thanks for that." He said before turning back around to face the horizon, his eyes tracing the terrain. The two of you and your dragons walked forward, looking towards the vast mountain range. Hiccup chuckled, "Well, looks like we found another one, bud." Hiccup looked away from the dragon before getting hit in the head with a small pebble, "Wha- Oh, what, do you want an apology?" Hiccup let go of your hand and walked towards the dragon, he tilted his head and leaned over slightly, "Is that why you're pouting, big baby boo?"

Toothless mocked the boy by making little noises.

"Well try this on!" Hiccup exclaimed before trying to tackle the dragon, he grabbed Toothless by the neck and tried to push him over, "Oh you feeling it yet?" Hiccup asked, he was barely even able to nudge the dragon, "Picking up on all my heartfelt remorse?" You chuckled at the boy who was lifted by Toothless, the dragon stood up and walked forward towards the edge of the cliff, "Ah. Yeah? Oh- no, come on! Come on, you wouldn't hurt a one-legged..." Hiccup looked down at the open water under him and let out a scream before gripping the dragon tighter, "Uh... you're right, you're right. You win, You win!"

You and Rainsong turned towards each other chuckling.

Toothless let out a bellow before pretending to be tackled to the ground, "He's down!" Toothless rolled over and pinned Hiccup to the ground, "It's ugly, dragons and Vikings... enemies again!" Hiccup said while the two of them swatted at each other, "Locked in combat to the bitter..." Toothless dropped his head on Hiccup knocking the air out of him, "Ah-"

Toothless then leaned forward and licked Hiccup's face. He made a noise of disgust before trying to get away from the dragon, he rolled backward and stood up, "Aw, you know that doesn't wash out." Hiccup said, trying to wipe himself off. Toothless made a noise that sounded like chuckling before pausing. Hiccup then flicked his hands, throwing saliva at Toothless.

You laughed out loud, gaining Hiccup's attention. He turned towards you before putting his soaked hands out threatening you, "I will do it." You put your hands up in surrender before waiting for him to finish wiping himself off. He then reached into his armor and pulled out his journal before opening it and unfolding a map on the ground.

You sat down and crossed your legs, looking at the sheets of paper and trying to recognize which ones you had seen before. Hiccup pulled out a new sheet of paper and had Toothless lick it before pressing it against the other papers. He then pulled out his knife and sharpened a stick that had a burnt end on it. He held up his arm and twisted his compass, looking down at it before turning to the skyline once more.

"So... what should we name it?" He asked. You shrugged before the both of you looked over at Toothless who was itching his armpit, "Itchy Armpit it is." He said before writing it down on the paper. What do you reckon guys? Think we might find a few Timberjacks in those woods?" You shrugged, "The odd Whispering Death or two in those rocks? Who knows, maybe we'll finally track down another Night Fury." Toothless let out a quiet grunt, "Wouldn't that be something." Hiccup let out a sigh, "So what do you say? Just keep going?" He asked before pausing and looking over at you, "Were you tailing us the whole time?"

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