Arrival at Arendelle.... Jack?

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I hope you liked the first chapter. Here's the second chapter.

Narrator's POV
"Where's Jack?" Toothiana said.

Suddenly, someone came out of the bushes. It was Jack but he looked different. He looked like to be 24 years aged with slight appearance changes.

"Jack! What happened to you?" Toothiana said with a worry.

"Ughh.. What? Whoa! What happened to me?" Jack surprised. "North! Do you know what happened to me?" Jack asked North.

"Hmm.... Looks like an anomaly has happened with you when you were in the wormhole. We all are now non-spirits and alive, I can feel it. I am not sure why this happened because this is the first time I've seen this happening" North said while taking the twigs off his beard.

"Oh C'mon! I didn't want to grow older 'this' soon" Jack said with an irritated voice.

"Looks like someone has become 'old', you've got company North!" Bunny said while teasing Jack.

Jack glared at Bunny.

Bunny was laughing while Sandy pinched Bunny to make him scream and get attention. Sandy pointed towards west and told everyone to go to Arendelle so they could get a shelter or something.

Everyone agreed and starting moving to west.

Meanwhile, in the Kingdom of Arendelle.

"Good morning Anna" Elsa greeted Anna.

"Good morning Elsa! Isn't today a great day?" Anna said cheerfully.

"Yes, everything is quiet and peaceful in Arendelle since Hans and Duke of Weselton have been arrested" Elsa said while enjoying the view of Arendelle with Anna from the balcony of the castle.

Suddenly, a guard appears from back. "Queen Elsa! We have spotted and caught some intruders. They were found entering Arendelle. They seemed very suspicious so we arrested them" the guard said.

"What? You can't just arrest someone for looking suspicious. They might be visitors or maybe they were lost in the forest. Release them now" Elsa said.

Meanwhile in prison.

"Why did we come here..." Bunny sighed.

The guard came and opened the handcuffs and released them from the prison.

"We are so sorry for what happened to you" Elsa said and apologised. "I am Queen Elsa. The queen of Arendelle" Elsa said and introduced herself.

"Ooo! New visitors! Nice to meet you, I am Olaf" Olaf said as he came there running.

"Hi! I am Anna. And you?" Anna said and introduced herself while asking them to introduce themselves.

"Uhh.... I am Nicholas St. North, kids call me Santa Claus, but you can call me North" North looked at Elsa suspiciously but then introduced himself in a friendly manner.

"I am E. Aster Bunnymund, better known as Bunny. Nice to meet ya mate" Bunny introduced himself.

"My name is Jamie" Jamie introduced himself.

"Hi! I am Toothiana! May I see your tee--" Toothiana introduced herself but got interrupted by North.

"You may check her teeth later Toothiana, by the way, he is Sandy" North pointed at Sandy and Sandy waved.

"And he is Ja-" North tried to introduce Jack but found that Jack was missing.

"Where's Jack?" North asked everybody.

Suddenly, voice of children laughing came from outside.

"I think I know where he is" Bunny said with a sigh.

Everybody came outside and saw Jack flying and sprinkling snow crystals on children which was making the children say 'Wow...' with a big smile.

"Who... is he?" Elsa asked with a surprised face and kept staring at Jack with a dropped jaw.

"He is Jack Frost, the winter spirit, however, he is not a spirit now because he has turned into a living form and....." North said but stopped as he got confused himself.

"Whoa! Elsa! He has powers just like you!" Anna said to Elsa.

"Not only my powers..... but he can even fly!" Elsa said and she was still staring at Jack.... with the dropped jaw..... of her mouth....

Jack landed on land in front of Elsa and others.

"Hi, I'm Jack, Jack Frost" Jack introduced himself and raised a hand to Elsa to shake hands, but Elsa was stunned.

"Uhh.... are you okay?" Jack asked Elsa.

"Wha... yes, I am okay *clears throat* I am Elsa, the Queen of Arendelle" Elsa introduced herself.

"Hey! You are just like my sister! She also has 'icy' powers. But you? You can fly too!" Anna said cheerfully.

"What? Icy powers? Like me?" Jack asked in a confusing manner.

"Show him Elsa!" Anna said to Elsa.

"Okay, I think it would be okay" Elsa said.

Elsa placed her foot down and made a huge snowflake shaped icy floor. Everyone got surprised but Jack was completely stunned. He starred at Elsa and dreamed of flying flowers.

"Jack? JACK!" Jamie yelled and Jack snapped out.

"So... Where are you guys from?" Anna asked.

"We are from the future. I know it sounds ridiculous but we are the Guardians of children. A bad guy named Pitch sent us here. But I also dragged him here so he could not harm the children in our absence" Jack said.

"Wait, if you dragged him here, then where is he?" Bunny asked.

"I don't know, maybe he ran away" Jack said.

"Is Pitch a dangerous guy?" Elsa asked in a worried voice.

"Don't worry, he can't do anything till we are here" Jack said proudly.

"Ugh... What are we going to do now?" Jamie asked.

"We cannot get back in our time for some time because the portal from which we came here has disappeared. It can be opened at the end of the year, but I don't know the exact time" North said.

"But where are we going to live till the portal opens again?" Toothiana asked.

"You can stay in the castle, it would be fun to have company!" Anna said.

"We don't want to cause any trouble to you all, you are from the royal family after all" North said.

"Don't worry, there would be no problem. Instead, it would be great to have guests like you guys" Elsa said.

"Thank you for your help, your highness" Jack said and bowed before Elsa. Elsa blushed while Anna noticed her blush.

"Hey guys, let's go to the castle, it's afternoon and I'm feeling hungry" Anna said.

Everybody started going back to the castle. Anna elbowed Elsa and giggled.

"What?" Elsa asked.

"Nothing, your highness" Anna giggled and Elsa blushed and her cheeks turned red.

End of 'Arrival at Arendelle....Jack?'

[A/N] Phew... It took me really long to update but it was worth it. Very long chapter, isn't it? I hope you enjoyed it. Comment me what you think and what you wanna have in the next chapter.

The next chapter - 'Cold Lessons'

Author - Mysterious Man

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