『 Chapter 25: Dragon Trappers 』

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The two of you flew over the new land you had found, searching for the source of the smoke, suddenly the trees cleared out and were replaced with stumps and burned trees. The two of you looked around in awe, what you saw before you was like no other land you had seen before. The desolation and destruction was unparalleled to that of back when Berk fought dragons. You shivered at the thought, what creature was powerful enough or big enough to make this type of damage?

You and Hiccup flew through the trees and under some rock ledges before entering a clearing of water. In front of the four of you was a large blast of ice spikes. Within the ice held several wrecked ships and debris. Your jaw dropped as you stared at the destruction. 

"Woah." Hiccup breathed quietly. He then turned to look back at you.

You shook your head, "No." Scolding him slightly, but he would never listen.

Hiccup nodded, "Stay close." He said before flying towards the ice, you followed suit, not wanting to leave him alone. The two of you flew through the ice spikes and flew towards the other side of the ice before seeing a platform, "What happened here?" Hiccup asked. 

You looked down, it looked as if an entire village had been destroyed by the ice. Within the mud laid footprints, they were dragons but they were bigger than you had ever seen before. Rainsong looked down at the prints and let out a startled growl before turning and looking away. You rubbed her scales slightly.

"Easy, girl." You said. Looking down you spotted two people standing on a ledge, you tried to get Hiccup's attention to stop him from flying in their eyesight, "Hiccup!" You called. He looked forward and flew a little too far.

The two men spotted him and shouted, "Fire!" Hiccup quickly turned to you.

"(Y/N)! Look out!" He called, moving out of the way. Unfortunately, you and Rainsong had been caught in the line of fire. The two of you were caught in a net and plummeted to the ground, you lost grip on Rainsong and were stranded in the air before feeling yourself be caught by another dragon. You looked up and noticed Hiccup and Toothless had caught you, he quickly carried you to the ground as you watched a large group of men try and hold down your dragon.

You ran over to the men quickly, "Rainsong!" You called.

"Stop!" Hiccup called to the men.

You pulled your knife from  your belt and held it up, "What are you doing?" You asked while Hiccup held up his mechanical sword, lighting it on fire. The men let out amazed gasps as they stared at Hiccup's fancy technology.

A man stepped on top of Rainsong and looked in awe at the three of you, "That is a Night Fury!" He chuckled, patting another man on the shoulder, "Thought they were all gone for good." He said. You leaned forward pointing your knife at the man, "Looks like our luck's had a turn for the better lads! Don't think Drago has one of those... in his dragon army." 

"Dragon army?" You asked, looking confused at the man.

Hiccup held his hands up, "Look, we don't want any trouble." 

"Hah! You should have thought of that before you stole all of our dragons." The man reached down and grabbed one of Rainsong's horns. You stood forward prepared to defend her but Hiccup held you back, "-and blasted our fort to bits!" The large group of men cheered and shouted. 

"Wait." Hiccup breathed.

You flung your hands out angrily, "What are you talking about?"

Hiccup leaned forward, "You think we did this?"

The man stepped down on Rainsong's horn, causing her to let out a groan of sadness, "Hah! Dragon trapping is hard enough work as it is without do-gooder dragon riders sneaking in to rescue them!"

Hiccup turned to you, wondering who he could be thinking of, "What do-gooder...?" He paused, "There are other dragon riders?"

The man waved his finger in the air before pointing to the both of you, "You mean, other than your thieving friend from last night? You tell me!" He growled, "You may have an ice-spitting dragon on your side, but we still have a quota to fill." He said stepping off of Rainsong, "How do you suppose we explain this mess to Drago Bludvist?" 

Hiccup turned and laughed a little while you still pointed your knife at the man, "Drago what-fist?" He asked, "Does anything you say make sense?" You quickly took a couple of glances at Hiccup and then at the men who were slowly circling the three of you.

"He's expecting a new shipment of dragons for his army by tomorrow." A different guy said. You and Hiccup shared a confused look. 

Another guy spoke up, "And Drago don't take well to excuses!"

The leader pulled down his shirt and showed the two of you a branded scar on his chest, "This is what he gave me last time I showed up empty-handed." You and Hiccup shared a confused look before turning back towards the man, "He promised to be far less understanding in the future."

Hiccup waved his hand around, "Alright look, we don't know anything about a dragon thief or an ice-spitting dragon or your lunatic boss and his dragon army, okay?" You glanced over and noticed a ton of men loading bows and crossbows, "Just give us back our dragon, and we'll go... strange hostile person whom we've never met."

The man leaned back slightly and chuckled, "Oh, where are my manners? I'm Eret..." He bowed forward slightly, "Son of Eret." He unsheathed a large knife from behind his back, "Finest dragon trapper alive." 

Hiccup held his hand up in front of you, preparing to fight.

"After all, it's not just anyone who can capture a Night Fury." He pointed his knife at Hiccup. Toothless let out a growl and roared at the man.

Hiccup gestured to the dragon, "And this is Toothless. He says we're going. Now."

Eret laughed, "Hah- they all say that. Rush 'em, lads!" The man yelled as all the other guys ran forward. Toothless quickly shot at the ice above them while you ran to the right and Hiccup ran to the left. The ice above them fell pushing the men out of the way. You quickly booked it over to Rainsong and cut through the ropes around her body.

"Rainsong, come on! Go GO!" You called as the dragon got up and started running, you followed quickly behind and hopped up on her, followed by Hiccup who was only a few inches behind.

Eret quickly got up, "You will never hold onto those dragons! You hear me?" You looked back seeing him wave around his knife and point at the four of you, "Drago is coming for them all!"

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