Chapter 11:

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"Your best will find you in your worst."

"Felix! My baby, how is everything?"

"Oh. Hi Sungie," Felix bowed, dropping the 2 daggers he had been holding. They were taking a break from shooting and working on hand to hand combat.

The gang members were all shocked, watching as the Lee Lix, the most dangerous man in Seoul, bowed in respect.

Jisung's loud laugh echoed in the concrete room, "Sweetie you don't have to bow, we're family now."

Felix tilted his head to the side, looking like a confused kitten and asked, "Family?"

"Of course! You're Innie's bestie and my new twin! Minnie (Minho) seems to like you too, and don't even get me started on Chan," The taller male ranted, standing with his hands on his hip.

The small blonde looked around the room, finding everyone watching the interaction with confused faces. "What are you guys doing? Keep training!"

"Oops, I'm sorry, I didn't realize I was interrupting."

"It's okay. I needed a break anyway. Training people is frustrating. Now I know what Bambam went through," He mumbled, dragging his feet to the corner of the room, where the weapons were held. He put the daggers away, turning back to his new friend.

"So did you need anything?"

"Right. Chan wants you in his office right now. I don't have a clue why he wouldn't just tell you himself but whatever," Jisung said, annoyed.

"Alright. Let me finish up here, I'll be up in a minutes," He said, face void of any emotion. "Listen!" He yelled, grabbing everyone's attention. "Work in pairs for 3 hours, then return to shooting! If I find any of you slacking, I won't hesitate to put a bullet between your eyes!"

"Damn. Remind me to never get on your bad side," The other boy said wide eyed.

Felix cracked a small smile, which went unnoticed, "I wouldn't recommend it, but as long as you cause me no harm we should be fine," He said making his way to the stairs, motioning Jisung to follow with his hand.

They didn't talk all the way up from the basement, Jisung not knowing what to say, and Felix not really caring. He was used to the silence, it was one of his favorite sounds.

The others being gunshots and Chan's voice. It was just so soothing, the constant raspiness was pleasant to his ears.

...Not that it meant anything. He was allowed to find someone's voice nice without getting atta-

The sound of loud beating on the door broke his thoughts. Chan stood at the top of the stairs, his grip tight on the door handle. "Jisung. When I say now, I mean right fucking now."

Jisung rolled his eyes in response, "Then you should've done it yourself fucker!"

"Right now I am your boss, not your friend. Now go to the health room, Minho shot himself in the leg,"

"Are you fucking kidding me! Again? That's the second time this month!" Jisung raged, stomping past the two and running to the other side of the mansion.

"Does Minho Hyung hurt himself a lot?" Felix asked, slowly walking behind Chan.

"Yeah. Him and Jisung are clumsy and break a ton of shit too. It's a wonder how he's still alive at this point," Chan replied.

"I told you at breakfast that I wanted my office cleaned," Chan grumbled angrily, stopping in front of the dark solid wooden door of his home office.

Felix arched one perfect brow, "Yeah, but you never told me when and what I had to do."

"It's really not that hard to figure out," He quickly fished out the key from his pocket, shoving the smaller through the door.

Felix then knew exactly what Chan was talking about as he walked through the door. Beer cans and bottles were scattered around the room, empty coffee cups stacked on the desk.

"Fucking hell, when was the last time you cleaned this place? You said 'Then I have some things I want cleaned in my office'. Really Chan? Some things?!"

"Shut the hell up. Just clean. I'm taking you shopping tomorrow by the way. As much as I enjoy seeing you in my clothes, you need to fill your closet up."

Chan watched a spark of light in Felix's eyes at the mention of shopping, something the boy really liked doing. The spark was something Chan hadn't seen yet, so far it was just angry expressions or blank gazes. Unless he was with Jeongin, then he was just a bit more sassy.

"Shopping? How much can I spend and where are we going," The boy asked excitedly.

"We'll have to see. It depends on how good you clean my office," Chan smirked, leaving the office and making his way to his bedroom to find his computer.

He opened the laptop, typing in his password before pulling up the indoor security cameras.

Specifically, the office security cameras.

It was a little creepy, but it was just to make sure the younger didn't mess with things he's not supposed to. Definitely not to stare at his face or ass. No. definitely not.

Felix started off cleaning out the junk, cans, bottles and cups. His nose scrunched up at everything alcoholic, and shivered slightly. But other than that, he worked with a subtle smile and a small slip in his step, most likely thinking about all the clothes he'll get.

He also started to re-organize things, which Chan got suspicious about, but he just moved things around without snooping through it.

In a short span of two hours, his office had been swept, dusted, cleared of garbage, and his desk had been re-organized. Felix had a bit of sweat covering his forehead at the end, having spent a couple hours elbow deep in dirt, dust, and straight up filth.

"Shit. I'm gonna be broke tomorrow," Chan muttered sadly.

Words: 989 

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