Chapter 28:

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"Take your time, recharge and come back stronger."

The room was silent, the people inside completely terrified for their lives. They all waited, hearts beating at their chests, for Chan to explode in anger or frustration.

"What...did you just say?" Chan whispered, slowly rising up from his seat. He rested his hands on his chair to steady himself.

The poor guy Chan was talking to was shaking, "U-uh, we ca-can't find him s-sir,"

"And why is that?" He was calm, way too calm.

"He-he's hiding w-well. T-there a-are no trac-traces of h-him any-anywhere,"

"Come here," Chan demanded, hand twitching slightly.

The man rose, walking forward with his head down. He knew he was going to die, there was no doubt about that.

"You failed me, and it might get my baby arrested and thrown in a place he doesn't belong. He belongs to me, with me," Chan growled, pulling his gun out.

"Chan hyung, put the gun down," Minho said, helping a limping Jisung into the conference room. His leg was still busted, but it was healing slowly.

"And why should I? Because of his incapacity to do his fucking job, Felix's-"

"Felix is going to be fine, he's a fighter. You think if they find him, he'll just let the police take him? He probably has more skill in his tiny body than all of us combined. And put the fucking gun down, damn you never listen. I'll tell Felix you killed a guy that was just trying to help him, then you'll be screwed," Jisung said, while Minho sat him down in the closest chair.

The man in front of Chan let out an inaudible sigh of relief. They all knew about their bosses soft spot for their trainer, they knew he wouldn't do anything to piss the boy off.

"Go sit down," Chan mumbled, dropping his gun on the table, falling back onto his chair with a grunt, "Next time I ask, you better know where he is or I swear, you will regret even being born,"

"Y-yes s-sir, t-thank you,"

"Now all of you get the fuck out, and someone tell Changbin, Jeongin and Hyunjin to get in here,"

Everyone nodded, rushing out of the room. Chan stared out of the window across the large room blankly, twisting a pen between his fingers. He felt alone, empty.

Minho and Jisung shared a look, knowing what was going through his head.

"You aren't the only one worried, you know. We love him just as much as you do," Minho said, leaning into Jisung as the younger rubbed his shoulder. He was a mess.

"Don't look at me like that, it's true. He has been with us as long as he's been with you. We may not be completely unhealthily obsessed with him, but we love him a lot,"

"I'm not obsessed with him. And even if I was, it doesn't matter. He's mine and he loves me almost as much as I love him. No one could ever love him as much as I do, by the way."

"Whatever Chan, just stop being a little bitch, you have us," Jisung helpfully supplied, ignoring the growl sent his way.

"What's Chan hyung bitching about?" Hyunjin asked when he slammed the door open.

"He misses Felix,"

Hyunjin scoffed, "So do I, he's my best friend. Who I find extremely hot,"

Chan stood up quickly, grabbing the younger by his collar pushing him to the wall.

"You seem to like pushing people against the wall, why is that?"

"Shut your fucking mouth Hwang,"

"Why? I haven't done anything wrong. I told you my honest opinion about your beautiful boyfriend. It's not my fault Felix looks like an angel and you're extremely aggressive lately,"

Jeongin rolled his eyes, "Hyunjin, he's my best friend, get your own. And Chan hyung, let the brat go, he's not harming anyone. As long as he doesn't kiss or fuck Felix, he's fine."

"Yeah, Chan. Let him go," Jisung ordered, arms crossed against his chest. He waited, making sure everyone was seated, before he spoke again, "Chan, why have you been so aggressive? You've killed more of our members in the past month then you have...well ever,"

"It has been a month and we have absolutely nothing on that piece of shit. I haven't seen my fucking boyfriend in 3 weeks, I barely even know how he's doing. I don't know how he is, if he's happy or not. I just want my damn boyfriend, is that too much to fucking ask for?" Chan screamed, voice strained.

This past month had taken a great toll on him. It was hard, when he woke up without Felix. It was hard, when he was home and Felix wasn't. He hadn't heard Felix's voice in 3 weeks. He hadn't seen his face in 3 weeks. Of course he has pictures and videos, but it wasn't the same.

"I promised him I would visit. I only saw him once, and that was the day he got there,"

"It's not your fault though. We've been drowning and it isn't safe to go to him anymore. We just have to wait a little longer. Just until we find Bambam,"

Chan nodded, resting his head on the wooden table, "Jeongin?"

"Yes hyung?"

"You find Bambam,"

"I- yes Hyung,"

"Good. Now leave me alone," Chan demanded. He took the vases in the room and threw them against the wall, feeling relieved in the way they shattered. It calmed him down a bit. Not enough, but a little.

His phone rang sharply, snapping him out of his thoughts. If it wasn't Felix, he didn't wanna talk. He answered anyways, "What do you want Jooheon?"

"I'm sorry Chan. I really am," He was obviously panicking, and it worried Chan.

"Why are you sorry?"

"I tried...I couldn't- I couldn't stop him," Jooheon sounded out of breath, and anxious.

"Who? What the hell is going on?" Chan hissed, yelling at the phone.

The door busted open, flying off the hinges.

"Christopher fucking Bang!" He was angry, very angry.


Words: 1032

I would be pissed too 🤷🏻‍♀️


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