(Under editing)
No smiles 'round here
Kaibee might be in love with two men. At the same time she wants nothing to do with them because she feels that's best. She already knows how deep her love can go.
"Love has no rules. Love has no boundaries."...
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I took a pic in the mirror while my bestie washed her hands. When she was done we left out the bathroom of the mall.
I gave my bestie a tight hug, we got in our cars, and went out separate ways. About twenty minutes later I was pulling up to to Adam's work. Adam is probably gonna be the only one eating because I'm still kinda full.
I stepped onto the elevator and fixed my dress to my liking. They have this giant full mirror in here and I was loving it. "I'm here for iiiitttttt😍" I said admiring my shape.
I'm now standing in his office door way, He doesn't notice me yet. He's just looking out the window at the beautiful view.
"Hey" I finally get the guts to say.
He turns around quickly "Hey beautiful." He looks me up and down admiring me. When he does I try not to show any emotion on my face. I ain't want him to know how I felt. How I really felt about him and our past. Even though he put me through bullshit when I look at him I didn't feel anger.
He was simply cute.
And broken.
I walk inside the office and close the door behind me. Adam walks over and gives me a tight hug. He smelled so good. And for some reason he smelled rich. He smelled so good I tried to sneak a sniff. After a while we both pulled away.
"Sorry I forgot to grab the food" I said taking his seat at his big desk. "And what cologne are you wearing?" I sneak another sniff
He smiled ,walked over to the door "No worries, my assistant always grabs whatever food I need. I'll go get it, be right back" then he left. I was kinda mad he skipped out on both of my questions but a few seconds later he was back with two bags. When he sat them on the desk we started to go through them.
"Yay it's sushi" I gave a small smile.
I stood up and let Adam take the seat at his big desk. While I just sat on it. I looked out the window and began to eat. I was loving this fucking view. The sky looked a pinkish red. I could sit here all day.
"How have you been?" He taps my leg with his chopsticks.
I sigh "Honestly...I've been feeling like shit" I let out "I just feel guilty for meeting up with you. I know he somewhat knows. But I told him we would be in a therapy session, Not just having lunch."
"I understand" Adam speaks quietly. I don't want to talk about Killa and make things uncomfortable for him.
I look him in the eyes "I have a question?"
"What's up?" "Before you kidnapped me, Did you send them stupid ass flowers and them pictures?" I asked him with a bit of anger in my voice. I still didn't know who sent them but I'm now 70% sure it was probably him. Adam put his sushi down and had a look of some guilt on his face. A few seconds later he spoke.