First Blood

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She sat on her couch with excitement, as she stared into her phone waiting for that notification. She had music blasting in the background, as she waited for her friend. As time went by she decided to get up and use the bathroom. As she got up to wash her hands, there were three, three faint knocks at the bathroom door. She froze out of fear not knowing what to do. She gradually dried her hands and opened the door slowly, she took a glance outside, and to her surprise, nothing.

She figured it could've been the wind outside as it was very windy or maybe she was just hearing things, it's an old house and it wouldn't be the first time. She walked outside and sat back down onto her couch. The girl texted her friend, "Hey are you almost here??" She waited for a text back, but instead she got a call from her friend. It was odd to her because her friend wasn't the type to call, but she didn't wanna be an over thinker, so she decided to answer.

"Hello?" "Hello Katie," they responded in a deep and raspy voice, it was unrecognizable. "Who's this? Valeria if you're fucking with me I'm going to kill you," she yelled into the phone. "Yell at me again and I'll rip you from the inside out!" Katie stood there in fear and hung up. She ran as fast as she could, the wood of her floor making the craziest of sounds as she ran to her front door. When she got to her front door she locked it top to bottom and ran to the back door as well, locking it too.

She sprinted to the kitchen and grabbed a knife. She got her phone and just as she was gonna dial 911, she got a call. "What the fuck do you want from me," she cried, her voice started to get shaky. "I know everything about you Katie. Your whole life is a lie, you're just a spoiled, whiny, loud-mouthed teenage girl!" Katie responded, "What are you talking about?" "Oh come on Katie, DON'T ACT FUCKING STUPID!" "Im calling the cops, you weirdo." Katie hung up the phone and as she was dialing 911, there was a knock at the door. She yelled , "Who is it?" "Valeria... are you okay you sound stressed." Katie was so relieved to hear Valeria's voice, she walked up to the door and opened it.

On the other side was Valeria. Before she walked in Katie asked her , " Wait, um do you know where your phone is?" Valeria was confused as to why Katie was asking but just decided to brush it off. "Um it should be right her- Actually I might've left it in the car let me go get it. As she turned back around to go to her car, someone in a ghostface mask jumped out of the bushes and stabs her in the shoulder. Katie screams and closes the door as she runs back inside. She locked the door as fast as possible, got the knife and ran to her bathroom. She hid there in tears, already feeling the guilt of leaving her friend.

A loud crashing sound of the bathroom window shattering broke the loud silence. She couldn't help but scream when she saw the lifeless head of her friend thrown through the window. She ran outside the bathroom and when she turned the corner she saw the person in the ghostface mask. She ran as fast as she could to get away and it was quiet again, to quiet. She figured she could go hide inside of the storage closet so she tiptoed to the closet and hid inside. She kept looking through the peep of the closet to see outside when she hears a sound behind her.

The masked figure jumped out from the shadows and stabbed her three times in the back. She ran outside as quick as she could and falls on the floor as she is struggling. "Please don't do this to me. I'm just a kid." She repeated those words over and over again as she sobbed. She screamed a couple times hoping someone would hear and help her. She slowly crawled to the door as the killer got their knife, slowly raising it up in the air, then finally landing a striking stab into her upper back area with blood gushing out. She laid there crying, feeling helpless, she thought of all her friends and family in her final moments. From the side of her eye though, she sees a lock of purple hair falling from above.

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