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" Today was another train wreck, I mean at least we somewhat worked together. All I know is that it's just going to be an uphill battle from here on. They let Star go with investigating, Leilaney and John both got interrogated as well. Hassarie and Amy grew closer. They did have beef but Amy didn't hold grudges and kept it in the past. Hassarie knew she had to fix some of the wrongs she did and make them right."

It was the day after everything had happened. Everyone had decided to meet up at Warren's house to talk. Warren felt it was best to talk about it and figure all of this out already with some food and drinks. "So let's start off with yesterday. How are you guys doing," Warren questioned. "Traumatized," John said in a monotone voice. "Why does it sound like you're not taking any of this seriously. I mean come on John just fucking have a heart for once," Pearl yelled. "At least my sister isn't a murderer," John yelled back. "I'm not a fucking murderer oh my god. For the last time I am not, someone framed me. You think I'd be that stupid to leave a piece of my hair at the crime scene," Star defended.

"Why don't we talk about the poll," Shay said. "The poll was supposed to kill one of us. Me or Alli. Nothing happened as if it wasn't a thing." "What if it was a distraction," Warren stated. "I was thinking that too. Why would they say who they wanted to kill, I mean we could just defend ourselves. They probably wanted our attention on someone other than the victims," Alli said.

"Look as far as we know everyone is a suspect," Warren confirmed. "I hate this we're all going to die one by one, it's inevitable," Amy yelled. "Hey Alli, where were you right before the cops came into the house," Shay asked. "I went home," Alli said quickly. "Home? Without saying anything to anyone. That doesn't make any sense at all," Shay exclaimed. "Look im not getting questioned by somebody like you I'm gonna go," Alli told off. Alli got up and walked right out the door.

"What if there is a specific way they're killing us off," Pearl said. "Like an order," Leilaney asked. "Yeah, I mean what would even be the motive," Pearl wondered. "At this point there are so many motives, so many possibilities," Warren added. "Where is the bathroom," Leilaney asked in a hurry. Warren pointed out the direction of where it was and Leilaney got up to go. As she was walking Shay had left their purse almost hanging off the counter and Leilaney didn't see it. Leilaney kept walking and since she was in a hurry knocked over Shay's purse. Everything had fallen out. Including a knife.

"I'm sorr-," Leilaney paused what she was saying as she looked down. "Oh my god! I didn't put that in there! I promise. Alli must've done it she walked right past," Shay exclaimed in fury. "We're you planning to kill us all here," Isaiah trembled. Shay kept defending their self, "I really didn't do that. Someone put it there recently, the killer is in this room," Shay accused. Everyone looked around at each other. Doubt was forming within the group. Shay's phone began to ring, they picked it up. "Hello?" "You have until tonight decide which one of your friends you want to sacrifice. Or else we're gonna have another bloodbath," it was the same voice that had been calling them this whole time. The person behind the mask was right there. The killer hung up the phone.

"We have to all pick one person to kill willfully, what the fuck is this," John yelled. "I'm not doing this," Hassarie said while walking away. "We have to do something or else we're all dying," Star stated. "Not all of us, the killer lives obviously, meaning you," John said again. "For the last time it isn't me. I don't know what you want me to say," Star cried. The group didn't want to pick anyone, plus they knew the first person to pick someone was a big suspect. "Look, why don't we just pick Shay, they had the knife they can prove they aren't the killer like this," Leilaney addressed. "No! It isn't me so I'll die. You guys are making no fucking sense at all," Shay yelled. The group was unsure on their next move but they knew they had to be quick because disaster was going to strike.

Alli was still in the building doing her own thing. She walked and walked not knowing what to do or where to go. She found herself in the stairwell. There was whistling from somewhere in there. She ignored it thinking it was nothing. She then approached a door to leave the stairwell and when she opened it a figure in a Ghostface costume came from the other side of the door with a knife. They stabbed her right in the shoulder. She ran down the stairs in fear for her life, she was bleeding out already. She ran and ran for what felt like years. She got a message from an unknown number. "You have the chance to make things right, one of their drinks were poisoned you decide what you do now."

She started thinking of everyone up there. She wasn't mad at them all. She ran back upstairs as fast as she could. Tears were in her eyes as she was bleeding. Her breath getting heavy and heart sinking lower and lower into her stomach. She finally reached the door to leave the stairs and now had to get to the apartment. She kept running as she grew weaker and weaker. She got to the door out of breath and opened it. Screams. Endless screams. He was there dead on the floor. Time was up.

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