The Incident

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This chapter may be confusing to some but this is a past event that happened in Woodsboro where our characters live. The things that happened to these kids do correlate with our events of current time. Enjoy!

Kayleigh was a 14-year-old girl. She loved begonias, all things sweet, laughing until her stomach hurt, and her friends. She was a clingy type of person, when she met you she would do anything for you, if she cared. At the age of 12 Kayleigh gained a stalker. A man who lived across the street from her house that went by the name of Aiden Schumer stalked Kayleigh. He did things such as stare outside his window all day long. He stared and stared and whenever she looked outside she would see him looking directly at her.

She didn't see it as a super weird thing at the start, which was her first mistake. Kayleigh would walk home from school. On one day he appeared there, he offered her a ride home but she refused. Two weeks later he appeared again with a different excuse, but she continued to refuse. Things started weirding her out, so she told her friends about it, Ethan and Liani. They told her to tell her parents or even call the cops because it seemed weird. However she didn't want to do this, she thought that maybe he really meant no harm and didn't want to make it a big deal. But things soon got worse

He hadn't been seen for a good week now so she was staring to forget. She had a normal day and started getting ready for bed. She got into her bed and got ready to sleep, however she heard three faint knocks. Her eyes opened up looking around the room, it also didn't help knowing her parents were out on a date night. She hid underneath her blanket and stayed there trying to fall back asleep. But the knocks came back. For the second time she heard those same knocks. She peeked out her blanket and looked around. Thunder and rain started to form outside. She could see the flashing light of the thunder through her window and a big tree branch moving around due to the harsh winds, along with an odd clicking sound.

The sun started to rise and Kayleigh woke up. She got out of her bed and looked at the window noticing handprints on it. She was extremely confused and outside to see if there was anything on the other side of the window. Down in the muddy dirt she saw footprints standing right in front of her window. She ran to her dad to show him what she had just found. He asked her to tell him if she saw anything weird last night. She told him about everything the knocks, the rain, and the thunder. The father questioned Kayleigh , "What thunder," he asked.

The dad explained how there wasn't any thunder. However Kayleigh was confused as to how this was true as she saw it. She got her phone from inside the house and went to check the weather. When she opened her phone it automatically opened to photos where Kayleigh and her father both saw pictures of Kayleigh sleeping in her bed from last night. They were both in shock, but everything made sense to Kayleigh.

Later that day around nighttime again she heard rustling outside her window. She snuck out of bed and brought a knife with her outside. She peeked around the corner trying to see what it was, and she saw Aiden. She asked him what he was doing there and he said nothing. "Look, you need to go this is just weird," Kayleigh told him. He slowly walked up to her and she slowly back away. A smile grew on his face. He wouldn't stop walking towards her, this began to scare her. He grabbed her arm and she pushed him off as fast as she could. She started to run down the street and he chased her down.

He finally caught up to her and hit her in the head with a glass bottle. She fell to the floor unconscious and he picked her up bringing her in his house. Months later the police released photos taken in Aidens camera to the public. Pictures of Kayleigh sleeping, and other pictures of when he kidnapped her. Pictures of him sexually assaulting her and pictures of him torturing were released to the public.

Liani and Ethan had both dressed up for Halloween. There was a huge party everyone at school was talking about. Liani and Ethan were both excited for this party, they were taking it very seriously. It was finally time for them to start heading to the party. They got onto their bikes and started driving down the streets of Woodsboro.

This was their day to put everything aside and just escape. They drove off with their bikes down the road and that was the last anyone ever saw of them. Their bikes were left at the side of the road and they never made it to the party. Liani, Ethan, and Kayleigh were all declared missing. To this day no one knows where they could be. But maybe there was a method to this madness.

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