Don't Let Your Guard Down

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                                       1 Month Later

"It's been one month now since the murders. They still haven't found either bodies, but they have confirmed a knife as the murder weapon. No one is exactly sure on who the murderer could be. Oh also, apparently they found chopped off fingers, fingernails, and a piece of hair on the ground around the crime scene. For some reason though they don't wanna reveal the color or anything about the hair. As of right now I'm just trying to maintain a "normal" life, but it only seemed to get worse."

Monday, March 21

Music blasting. Joyful faces. And fond memories. It was the end of their spring break, and they had gone on a road trip out of town. The main purpose for this was to forget and get away. The murders of Katie Solis and Valeria Hernandez shocked millions, but it was just the start of some sort of sick and twisted horror picture.

"We have thirty more minutes until we get home," Pearl explained. "Part of me doesn't wanna go back."Why," Shay responded. "I don't know, I just think of her. It seems so unreal." Amy answered. She felt guilt deep down. On the day of the murder Amy was supposed to go to Katie's house as well, but shortly after Katie invited her someone else did as well. Amy's other friend Hassarie had invited her to her house for her birthday party. Buried in Amy's head she wanted to go to Hassarie's but she felt bad leaving Katie. However she went with her gut and ditched on Katie last second. She knows she could've helped Katie but she didn't. She never told anybody about it but it followed her everywhere she went.

Conversations continued about various subjects. "Katie would've loved this trip, she needed a break from reality considering everything that was happening in her life," Alli exclaimed. "Yeah, I agree but we cant change the past so don't dwell on it." Warren replied. Alli and Katie got into a big fight before everything happened. It was about a dumb topic that turned into something big, they both regretted it  about a day or two after, but refused to show it.

"Who do you guys think could've killed her, what if it was one of us. I mean think not many people outside of the group knew them that well besides family. I mean Alli didn't you two get in a big fight a few days before it happened." Warren stated. "Hey don't put this on me, stuff happened but I wouldn't do that!" "Warren does have a point though, it would make the most sense. Not saying it's you, just saying it could be one of us," Shay answered. "You guys are thinking about this way to much, none of us would do something like that," Monique yelled. That was the last word either of them spoke, after the conversation things felt awkward.

They continued to drive down the road. As they approached an odd figure. Warren soon yelled, "Hey do you guys see that!" They slowly pulled over to a horrendous sight. "What the fuck," Shay said. Shay felt as if they were going to throw up so they went behind the car.

In front of their eyes they had seen a middle aged man hung up on a sign saying entering Woodsboro. He was completely stripped and had no clothing. Blood rushing down from his slit neck. Fingers chopped off as well. So many thoughts went through the groups heads who was this person, who did this, what happened. "What if... this is connected to Katie and Valeria," Alli wondered. "We need to get out of here now, what if they think we did this to him," Amy added. Everyone got back into the car as quickly as they could, but on the drivers door there was a message written in blood. "It's always someone you know."

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