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Katie. Valeria. Monique. German. John. And Leilaney. They were the skeletons of this murder spree, but soon some real skeletons were going to reveal themselves.

The announcement bell chimed. "Attention students. I'm sure you have all heard of or been apart of the murders that have been happening around town. Everyone has been on edge recently, so due to this. We are closing school until further notice. Have a nice day everyone and stay safe." Everyone in the school cheered with excitement as the last bell of the day rung. Students ran out of the school like a stampede. The crowd had cleared up a bit and everyone decided to meet up after school. One by one everyone showed up. "Wow, this is the group now," Alli said as she looked around at everyone. The remaining people were Alli, Warren, Shay, Isaiah, Pearl, Star, Hassarie, and Amy. "This is just like a Scream movie," Warren mentioned. "We're living in a horror movie. Maybe with knowing this information we can use it to benefit us. Actually two days ago I forgot to tell you guys. I visited the police station and asked if they could give me the call recordings," Shay said. "Someone was recording the calls," Alli asked. "No. Calls are all just naturally recorded, it's kinda weird if you think about it but it's used for things like this. Before Monique died she got a phone call from a number not recognized yet, but they seemed like they knew something about horror movies. They said something about it being a big rule to never sneak off in a horror movie," Shay stated.

"Well doesn't everyone know that rule," Amy questioned. "Well maybe, it's pretty common I guess. In the Scream movies most of the killers do know about horror movies. Me, Warren, Alli, and Star all watch horror movies. But I mean most of the time they are secret fans," Shay affirmed with confidence. "So you think there is a secret horror fan killing people for fun or something," Pearl yelled. "Well, I'm not sure but they do know a thing or two about horror movies," Shay concluded. "Well I don't watch that stuff so what do you guys know about horror movies, like the rules as Shay said. It seems like this killer is going with rules or something," Isaiah made known to everyone in the group. "Well in every movie there is a final girl. It can be one or two or three, but it usually ranges around the one or two side," Warren confirmed. "So a girl will live? Good to know I guess but there's still a good amount of us left so that could still be anyone," Amy said feeling a little concerned. "Well Warren, also the final girl or girls or usually are the main characters, the stars of the story," Shay added.

"Well then who are the "stars" of the story," Alli questioned. "Well I'm not sure," Shay replied. "What if there weren't any stars," Hassarie uttered in a confused voice. "Well then it might not end well for anyone," Warren answered. After Warren said it put doubt in everyone's minds. However, all this silence made a light bulb shine in Warren's head. "The final act where the killer reveal happens and almost everyone dies is called act 3. It usually happens at a party or somewhere that has meaning to the main character or villain," "So what does that have to do with anything," Isaiah wondered. "That's exactly what we have to do," Warren said with confidence. "What," Isaiah and Shay yelled in unison. "If we want all this to end we gotta give the killer what they want, act 3. In the movies every single time it comes to act 3 no one sees it coming. They're all unprepared which is why they die. If we can finally outsmart the killer and be 3 steps ahead we can survive," Warren yelled.

"So what are you saying," Star asked. "We throw a party," Warren said quickly. "We can do it at my house," Amy shouted with a smile on her face. "Alright let's finish this tonight," Warren yelled. Everyone was ready and excited, but Star began to grow worried and doubtful. "Okay so I just posted about the party. People should be going but while we wait do you guys wanna go to Panda Express, it's right down the street," Amy asked the group. "Yeah let's do it," Warren shouted. The group walked down the sidewalks of the streets heading to Panda Express. "I am starving," Shay groaned. "Panda Express is one more traffic light away, we're almost there," Alli stated. They finally reached the store and opened the doors. They all got into the line to get their food. Shay was looking around until they heard a familiar voice. Sitting down at a table were two girls eating their food. Shay was really trying to figure out if they were hearing this all correctly. Then something struck in them they knew it was them, it was those same two voices that Shay had heard talking bad about them in the bathroom.

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