1. break up ♚ |austin|

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"And I'm slowly running out of all the time that I invested..."

Song: Fall For Your Type

Artist: Jamie Foxx feat. Drake

"Dude, you have got to get out after that stupid break up with Camila. She was a stuck up bitch anyways. You're better off without her. Let's go get a drink and maybe a lap dance to get you right back up on your feet," Alex states, but in reality I have no choice.

He simply just drives me to the strip club he always brings me to when I am down. Or basically whenever he is horny. I honestly hate strip clubs because they expose a part of woman so easily and confidentially. It's like no one in here had a real genuine way of thinking. It's all about pleasing someone and then moving on to the next horny bastard who walks through.

What I really need is someone to vent to. Not someone to make me horny. I can get a girlfriend if I want to get horny. Obviously getting horny is the last thing I need.

Alex guided me through the sweaty bodies and towards the bar. I could smell the alcohol around me. It left this weird tingling in my nose. I had to scrunch it up to get rid of it, but I just can't. It just keeps coming, and I decided to try to ignore him. I block out the smells, and the sound of the loud music they continued to blast until someone's eardrums burst. I wish I was home moping around rather then being here. Unlike Alex I have respect for woman, and not only want to see them naked.

"Just some beers," Alex says, throwing down some money for the bartender. I could talk to Alex, but I shut him out. I just don't think he could understand me at all. I let my gaze wander around the bar, eyeing every thing and every one.

I let my eyes land on a blonde haired girl who wore a mask to cover her face. The mask didn't hide her piercing hazel eyes. They look ocean blue in this light though, sending these shivers down my spine. Unlike other strippers here her outfit is more modest. She wears a tight backless bodysuit. It's a dark black color to match her fish net tights.

The weird part is she looks so familiar. I just can't put my finger on why. Just those eyes seem so familiar to me. I just wonder how I can forget someone with beautiful eyes like that. Maybe her beautiful eyes went along to a beautiful face. I couldn't tell though, the mask took up most of her face. It's like she is forced to hide the beauty of her face, and only show her fit body. She's got a hot body though. The bodysuit pushes up her chest a bit, making guys drool at her while she minds her own business. She moves her red straw back and forth, and then she guides her tongue across her bottom lip about every few seconds.

I am so taken in by her beauty and small actions I don't notice Alex is already getting himself a room with a girl. He gives me a thumbs up, and nods his head over to the stripper before heading into a room with another one. He takes me out, and completely ditches me. He even tries to get me to talk to a stripper. Someone who probably has no morals what so ever. She probably doesn't even know what she wants to do with her life, and has the lowest GPA in her class.

Once again, she is a stripper. They aren't usual intelligent girls with this sparkling personality you could just fall in love with.

I try to push her out of my mind though, sitting near her at the bar. It's pretty empty since Alex and I came a little later. The club would only be open for another thirty minutes, and people were already retreating. At the bar still sits a few more people, but she sits there. When I glance over again I notice her writing away into a notebook now. She seems focus on the thing inside.

A part of me tells me to talk to her, but I just couldn't find myself to do it in that moment.

I simply watch her actions. For a few more minutes she writes away in her journal and then she bounces off the bar stool and towards a back room. My mind doesn't even tell me what to do I just get up and follow her. I find her heading into a private room which is where people could get private lap dances. Alex is in one right now, so maybe I should go to hers.

I head over, seeing her sign read available now along with a name underneath it. Bea. It only reads Bea, leaving me curious to what her real name is. I would make sure to find out though. So simply I knock on her door. It takes a few seconds, but soon she opens it.

For a second she's shocked, but she hides it with a smirk. She moves away from the door, gesturing me to come in. I follow her gaze over to the small couch, and sit myself down. I let my eyes trail down her curves, and I take in her beautiful, but pretty hidden body. Modest, but sexy.

I watch as she struts her way over to me, and sits herself down onto my lap. She straddles me, and still she doesn't speak. She simply presses her lips to my neck, and lets her tiny body grind into my crotch. It makes me let out an instant moan, not even Camila could have gotten out of me that quick.

I place my hands onto her back, pulling her closer to me. "I'm Austin," I tell her, not even thinking of what I am saying. I just am going to say everything that crosses my mind it seems like.

"Bea," she replies with this soft, but elegant voice.

"Can we talk instead?" I let out, and for some reason her lips leave my neck, and she looks directly into my eyes. She scans my face, wondering if I'm being serious. I nod though, trying to make her understand I just wanted to talk. I don't know why I am turning to a stripper, but something about her just seems so welcoming. She looks my age too, which is strange for a stripper. They're usually older, but she seems to be around 18 just like me.

Bea simply nods, moving herself from my lap and sitting next to me. She slides her hand into mine, sending sparks up my arm. I push past that though, looking as she gets comfortable next to me.

When she looks back over at me I start to talk, "I must look so stupid, but since my best friend thinks sending me off here is going to help me then he's surely stupid. So my girlfriend cheated on me, and then she dumped me yesterday. I just... I've never felt so crushed by a girl. I thought she was the one." The girl simply squeezes my hand, wanting for me to continue.

"Does that sound stupid? I don't even know why I'm talking about this to you. You probably don't have any advice for me being a stripper and all," I state, which results in the girl throwing her head back, letting out this beautiful laugh. She doesn't seem offended by my rude comment. She seems to think what I just said is a joke.

"Listen, Austin, right? Even though I'm a stripper I have morals. You don't know why I do this. I go to school. I have good grades. I know what I want to be in the future. And being a girl in high school I know a lot about other girls. One, you probably never knew the real girl you were dating. She was probably really a big bitch, and a fucking skank. It probably wasn't the first time she cheated on you, but- she was thankful to have you sometimes. What you need is a girl who is always thankful to have you."

She spoke so strongly, making me lost for words on what she had said. It eats me alive to wonder if she's right, but I know she is, even my friends warned me about her ways. I blame myself for being so blind and stupid to not see who Camila really was. I had heard stories about her from classmates at school, and from what this girl Bea is saying I know I should've listened.

"You're right," I breathe out. "Oh, I know."

I have to laugh as I get up. I let go of her tiny hand, and pull out some money for her. But she stops me by placing her hand on top of mine. "Don't worry about it. It's on the house, Mahone." And with that I left, wondering how exactly she knows my last name.

"Making all the same mistakes and I'm just trying to correct it and I fall."

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