8. answers♚ |austin|

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Brooklyn has been avoiding me. Every time I would try to talk to her she'd turn straight on her heel and away from me. I'd follow behind her, but she'd shake me off. She'd lead me to believe that all the questions that I asked myself were true. Those hazel eyes of her I knew like the back of my hand and I had easily fallen for those eyes.

Fuck, I know it's soon to know how much I care for her, but damn. I saw her so much over the past month, and I didn't even realize it until now.

I should've know Brooklyn was Bea. I should've realized that a long time ago, but I was so dumb. So fucking dumb. I'd easily have figured it out sooner, but god everything about them drove me incredibly insane. Both held themselves so high. Bea and Brooklyn did have a lot in common and I just always pushed off the fact they could be the same person.

Of course I'm not totally sure if it's her. It'd be rude for me to assume Brooklyn is a stripper because Brooklyn never shows off her today. She keeps it hidden underneath her baggy flannels, and the same black sweats she wears a lot. She just doesn't care what she looks like, but fuck, she looks good every day. In sweats or some ripped jeans. She makes my heart beat incredibly fast when I'm around her.

I know I fell to quick. I curse at myself everyday for it, but the thing is. I need answers right now. I need to find out if Brooklyn really is Bea, and I was probably 99% sure of this, but I needed to see Bea's face. That mask had to come off tonight.


I walk into the club, smelling smoke and also the burning smell of alcohol. I crinkle my nose at it, and push it off. I just really needed to find Bea's room, and just rip off that damn mask. I try to keep my head low and not to look anyone in the eyes. I also hoped her room was free so I could go in. I really needed to know,

I push past a few drunken dancers, and then I stand in front of her room. Available. I smirk, and i clean myself up. I pat down my hair a bit, and fix my white t-shirt. I check my watch, making sure it didn't slip over as I walked over here.

I think I looked good.

I then open the door to find a man on top of her, his nails clawing at her unitard. She's struggling too, making me realize that this wasn't good. Also the fact cocaine was sprawled on the floor of her room, as well as that mask. Her head sprung over to me, and those hazel eyes. Those broken hazel eyes caught me surprise, and I sort of just stood there like an idiot.

Save her you idiot.

This guy was a lot older then me, as well as bigger, but the rage that hit me in that moment was unbelievable. I ripped the man off of her, and when he told a swing at me I dodged. I gutted him, making him flying back. If it wasn't for Brooklyn pulling me back, I wouldn't murdered him. I would killed him with my own bare hands for even laying a finger on Brook in the first place. God, I wanted to make sure he never did that to anyone else ever again.

Brooklyn rushed me out of that room though, and I ended up pulling her to my car and giving her no choice to get in.

When I got into the shot gun the only sounds that filled the car were our heavy breathing from running so far. My eyes were on her though, looking over the scratches on her face where fresh blood laid. Just the sight of her cut up made me want to go back in there and literally crack his skull, but she still some how managed to look beautiful. I don't know how either, but god damnit I wanted to kiss her.

I'd been Camila for a good year, but I've only known Brooklyn for a month and no one could compare to the way she made me feel.

Before I could speak she started to cry. Brooklyn was fucking crying in my car, and it scared me. That guy didn't even come close to raping her. I had gotten there before she was fucking naked, yet she's crying. She's fucking bawling and I'm sitting here like an idiot. I was scared to touch her, but that's what I decided to do.

I grab her by her waist, pulling her into my chest and rubbing my hand on her bare back. Her unitard went lower in the back, revealing her skin as well as the fact she wasn't wearing a bra. "Brooklyn, hey sssh," I whisper in her ear, hoping that's what she wanted to hear.

"H-h-he was going to r-rape me, m-my father tried to, but y-y-you saved me this time instead of m-my mom," she cried out, and fuck, I was thrown off. I tried to understand what she was saying through her sobs, but I heard perfectly clear. This man brought memories of her father who tried to rape her. And I tried my best to keep my breathing heavy and not show her how much I would have fucking killed her father now too. The second rapist on my list to kill besides that guy.

It hurt me to see Brooklyn like this. Like it really fucking hurt, and I'm this fucking mess and she's this fucking mess. And I'm really into a stripper and she knows that, and I fucked up big time for everything I'd said. She was always listening to me, and I've probably looked like a complete idiot in front of her all drunk and stuff.

I sigh, before placing my soft lips to her template. Maybe a kiss would calm her down right? Just maybe. I heard her suck in a breath to stop from crying so maybe it helped. I left another one on her forehead, and I could feel her body untense.

"Let me take you home," I whisper to her, but she says, "My stuff is inside." I didn't even hesitate to head in, and ask someone for help to find it. I made Brooke wait in the car, not letting her dare walk back into his hell hole. A nice stripper named King (or what she calls herself) told me she knew Brooklyn pretty well and helped me find her stuff.

I was grateful for that and I tried my best not to stare at her ass that was easily seen from the thong like thing she was wearing. She seems so comfortable with her body, and it made me happy Brooklyn seemed more hidden to it.

"You're Austin, right?" King asked me once she came back.

I had to raise an eyebrow in confusion, but I still nodded. She seemed to smile too and say, "Brooke is always talking about you, and I guess you found out. Be nice to her okay, her mom isn't the richest and she's working three jobs. This isn't her." Her tone seemed to become serious, and protective. And I know I shouldn't be scared of a stripper, but I was.

"Well, since I was stuck between who I liked more Bea or Brooklyn. I'm just glad to know they're the same person," I hint, and King smiled softly. She understood things easily and I notice that in a good 2 minutes. But after our conversation about her I soon headed back out to Brooklyn in my car.

Brooklyn was fiddling at the nobs in my car even though it wasn't on. I could tell she was tired, and most likely bored of all this crying she had done. She wouldn't look me in the eyes when I got in the car too.

"You okay?" I ask her as I slide her into the back. She just shrugs, and I wondered if she decided to go mute or she just hated me.

I sigh before starting the car up. I didn't want to push her at all. I would've felt bad if I did too much and she started bawling again. I wouldn't be able to live with myself, but tonight I had got my answers and I knew that Bea and Brook were the same person.

And I was okay with that.

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