4. drunk♚ |brooklyn|

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"I like us better when we're wasted."

Song: Wasted

Artist: Tiësto Feat. Matthew Koma

I slide on my dark black mask, and then change my sign to available. I don't want to. I really don't because I just couldn't concentrate on work. My mind seems to wander to Austin, which isn't unusual. I always saw him as this god until recently. I just seem to pity him. I pity him because he has all these secrets he doesn't dare to share. I just seem to find out one after the other. I don't know what to expect next.

I always wondered if Austin did have secrets, he's very closed off from people. He always seems so happy with his other three best friends. Even after he lost his friend, Tyler, he didn't seem to be bothered. Tyler just slowly became a druggie and Austin didn't even wince. It's like losing a dear best friend to drugs didn't seem to faze him. It makes me wonder if Austin is even a good friend.

I knock on my door interrupts my thoughts. It even makes me sigh a bit because I like thinking about Austin. I just don't focus on my sad life as much as I did to him. Plus it hasn't even been a few seconds since I flipped that sign. I still open the door though because at the end of the day business is business.

"Austin?" I ask, furrowing my eyebrows. Austin grins back at me, and helps himself in this time. He even makes himself comfortable on the couch. It's quite weird how he has come back to my room. I couldn't (well wouldn't) turn him away so I change the sign to Unavailable, and close the door. It leaves Austin and me alone now.

"I need your help," Austin states.

"With what?" I ask him, crossing my arms and staring down at him. I am close to him now, so he takes this to his advantage. His hands place themselves on my waist, and he pulls me forward. I help myself by sitting down and straddling his waist. For some reason this feels right, and not in some stripper to customer way. He makes me feel this certain bubbling in my stomach, and he makes me eager to make him mine. But I wouldn't dare have him.

Austin's hand slide to underneath my butt, giving it a nice squeeze.

"Hook up with me," he states, and that's when I go wide eyed. I don't think I've ever bounced off of someone's lap so quickly. Hooking up with Austin breaks so many codes, and I couldn't risk that. I mean lots of strippers did it around here, but I wouldn't. I'm not like that. For God's sake I'm a pole dancer not a fucking prostitude.

"Austin, what the fuck. I may be a stripper, but I'm not a whore. I won't break codes I have here, but- I have another idea."

Austin looks a little bummed, but when I say I have another idea he seems to perk back up. He leans forward, placing his elbows on his knees. He looks up at me in complete interest, but then he gazes goes down my more revealing body this time. I just snap for his attention, which I get immediately.

"Let's get drunk."

More like Austin gets drunk and I end up taking him back to my place.

As Austin sits in my car he starts to ramble about this girl. "So this g-g-girl, she like knows how I'm p-poor ya know? And like I-I like don't trust her I guess... but honestly I don't think sh-e- e'll tell anyone. I don't think she has f-f-friends! She's poor like me too, and she h-h-has these cute glasses, and she seems p-pretty sassy, but cool. And like she's hot, don't get jealous," I snort at that, "but she's also not in s- s-social status so asking her o-out could ruin my repppp. Plus she keeps all her good stuff hidden, you know. It's not reallyyy a t-turn on," he slurs, and I have to wince at how drunk he actually is.

"Her name?"

"I think it's like Brooklynnnn, she's my n-neighbor." he lets out, and I have to laugh a bit at the fact he is talking about me. Wait, he thinks I'm hot? I think it'd be better if he didn't but at the same time I'd always fascinated about Austin. I always wondered what it'd be like to go out on a date with him.

"Ask her out, she might surprise you," I state.

"She's smart too. Being s-s-smart is hotttt," he lets out, and then he lets his head fall to hit my car window. I can hear a soft bang, and then Austin letting out his wicked hot groan. I simply let the hot part slide though, rubbing my thighs together to make myself not get turned on by the fact he's in my car, drunk, groaning, and talking about how he thinks I'm hot.

"But Bea I think she hates me BIG timeee," he slurs. He leans closer to me too, and I have to gag at his alcohol based breath. I am not going to let him walk into his own house drunk, which meant he'd have to stay at mine and I'd have to think of a smart story to make him think I am not a stripper.

It's funny though because I left my mask back at the club, but since he's piss drunk he doesn't recognize who I am. He's your basic dumb ass jock, but the plot twist is he has good grades in school. I always questioned that about him and it always fascinated me. Something about Austin really catches my eye. I don't know why but ever since freshman year he just stood out. Something about him was different to other guys in my school. He also never picked on kids who had a bad rep. He would just avoid conversations with them in public.

There's this kid in my class named Danny Plutman, and he isn't really popular. He's a nerd who I've sat with at lunch a few times. It's not that he has dorky glasses or anything. He just is a hot guy with really good grades and he does theater. For some reason guys targeted that, but not Austin. I once saw him give Danny a ride to theatre practice, and he even had a full out conversation with him like the two were friends.

Stuff like that made me really think about Austin because he was a good guy who just got mixed up with the wrong crowd.

When we get to my house, I help Austin out and into my own house. I make sure he stays quiet, and even drunk he listens to my directions. I lead him into my room and as soon as he falls onto my bed he's out.

How am I going to explain this one?

"The only time we really talk."

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