2. new neighbors ♚ |brooklyn|

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"This was the very first page. Not where the story line ends."

Song: Enchanted

Artist: Taylor Swift

"Morning, Brooke," I hear my mom croak as I make my way downstairs. I have to rub my eyes as they get use to the bright lighting coming in from the windows. I feel like a zombie in the mornings, and since it's the weekend I got up a little later.

As I make my way into the kitchen I look out the window and notice a moving truck in front of the house next door. The one where my window is right across from the upstairs one at their room. That house didn't have any takers for the longest time since people who lived around here we're too rich to want to stay in a small house in bad shape.

"You should go introduce yourself. They're nice," I hear my mom say, making me look back at her quickly. It makes my glasses slide down a bit at the sudden moment. In my eyes you could just tell I do not want to and I don't.

"Brooklyn, all I am asking is you go over to the new neighbor's house. They have a boy you're age who by the way is very cute. And they recently haven't had the best luck with money like us. Maybe you can relate to the boy," my mom says, winking my way. I sigh though, pushing my glasses to off the brim of my nose and upwards.

"Since when has a boy been interested in me, mom," I state to her, sitting at the kitchen counter. My mom pushes some cereal my way which I gladly accept. I dig in, starving since we barely get food around here. Recently my gig at the strip club has gotten better. I've been getting paid more, and I work quicker.

"Brooke! Don't say that! Look at you. You're beautiful." my mom coos, brushing some hair behind my ear to reveal my face a little bit more. My mom seems to caress my face, forcing me to look at her for a little. "That boy would be crazy not to be interested in you," she then says.

"No, he'd be right mom. Look at me," I let out, placing my spoon down. I suddenly lost my appetite as reality hit me a little more. I don't have anything about me that boys desire. To them I am some nerdy girl with glasses, no huge rack, and some tiny little ass that was hidden by my sweatshirts or worn out flannels.

"Brooklyn, don't say that. Dear, the boys at your school seem to be complete assholes who just want someone to take to bed. You, my dear, are so much more then that. If a boy can't see that dear then it's his loss. You have a beautiful smile. Beautiful eyes just like your grandma. Flawless skin that you got from me. You're tiny and cute. You're a total catch."

I have to smile up at my mom. She always seems to say the right things.

"Now go," she says, and I know she won't stop until I do. So I finish up my cereal, throw on a nice red hoodie, and some beat down vans and make my way over. My mind tells me not to go, but it's my mom's choice. It is not my own.

But shouldn't this be my choice. I always do everything to please my mom, especially work in risky places. One being a stripper and it has its ups and downs. It pays well, but it's a risk getting caught. I have to hide my identity because if people at my school found out I'd be screwed. People are always trying to take me home to please them there. Some try to rape me. Just do anything to me. I should be used to it by now, but I'm not.

I stand in front of the house door, seeing as it is already open. I still politely knock though, watching as a beautiful lady makes her way down the hall. She has this bright smile on her face as she greets me, "You must be Diana's daughter Brooklyn!"

I nod my head politely.

"I'm Michele. I was just making some tea. Come in," she states, moving aside to let me in. I send her a smile before heading in, and letting my eyes trail around the house. It's in worse condition then my house, but it's livable. Everything is pretty worn down, but it seems to make it look modern and cute. Not too bad, but not something a teen boy would want to live in.

Michele and I walk into the kitchen and I sit down at her table. She gets me a fresh cup of tea, and slides it over to me. I smile at her, and even whisper a faint, "Thank you." Before sipping on it, and listening to the chirp of some birds outside.

"How old are you, Brooklyn?" she asks. "Eighteen."

"Senior?" I nod.


This time I laugh because I seem to think she was joking. But her eyes read curiosity so I answered to make it stop, "Yes I am."

"Well my son is too," Michele says, winking a bit. She soon continues, "I hope you can maybe talk to him. He's not use to this not having much money thing. I know how hard you have with your mom. She told me you have two jobs, and I hate to have to do that to my own son. I just hope he can talk to you."

I smile a bit, and even nod. I wouldn't let her down either because I may not have met this boy yet, but I understand how hard it is now.

I remember when my mom came home one day, and she told us we had to move. She didn't tell me why. She just couldn't until I was older. I was only 14 when she finally told me why we had to move. I realized then I had to step in and take charge. I helped my mom out and here I am at age 18 with multiple jobs, with all As, and trying to get a scholarship. Luckily my school offered great programs for me in order for me to become a writer.

"So you go to Lady Bird Johnson High School?" Michele asks, sipping on her tea. I nod my head as a response. I have to raise an eyebrow at her, wondering why she had asked me that specific high school.

Before I could even get that response a voice rang through the house, "Mom?" And in he walked. Austin Mahone.

"All I can say is it was enchanting to meet you."

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