『 Chapter 28: Mutiny 』

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"We're here to rescue you!" Gobber yelled as he and Grump landed on the ship.

Hiccup let out a sigh, "I don't need to be rescued."

A Rumblehorn thudded onto the boat, and your eyes widened as you heard Stoick's voice, "Enough!"

"Well," Eret began, trying to intimidate the Chief, "Didn't you just pick the wrong ship, eh?" Stoick looked at the young man with disgust, "I am Eret, son of Eret-" He was muffled by Stoick grabbing his face and pushing him out of the way, "I will-" Gobber hit him on the head with his hammer and Eret fell to the ground in pain before being toppled by Grump, "Get this thing off of me-" He wheezed.

"Anyone else?" Gobber asked, looking at the other crewmates, "That's what I figured."

Stoick turned towards Hiccup, "You- saddle up. Were going home."

"No." Hiccup shook his head.

Stoick growled, "Of all the irresponsible..."

Hiccup cut him off, "I'm trying to protect our dragons and stop a war. How is that irresponsible?" He asked, you crossed your arms, watching the scene play out. You were slightly nervous about how this would play out.

"Because war is what he wants, son!" Stoick tried to explain to him once more.

Hiccup let out a sigh and turned away from his father.

Stoick also let out a sigh, "Years ago, there was a great gathering of chieftains to discuss the great dragon scourge we all faced. Into our midst came a stranger from a strange land, covered in scars and draped in a cloak of dragon skin. He carried no weapon and spoke softly, saying that he, Drago Bludvist, was a man of the people, devoted to freeing mankind from the tyranny of dragons. He claimed that he alone could control the dragons and that he alone could keep us safe... if we chose to bow down and follow him." He explained this story with a heavy heart, he seemed to wish that he had never told this story.

Snotlout and Fishlegs laughed and so did the twins, "Stupid." One of them said.

"Good one." Said the other.

"Aye, we laughed too..." Stoick explained, "until he wrapped himself in his cloak and cried out, "Then see how well you do without me!" The rooftop suddenly burst into flames, and from it, armored dragons descended, burning the hall to the ground." Stoick stopped, looking up at the sky, "I... was the only one to escape."

Everyone looked at Stoick sadly.

"Men who kill without reason cannot be reasoned with." Stoick finished.

Hiccup turned around, "Maybe."

"Hiccup!" Stoick scolded.

The boy mounted his dragon, "I'm still going to try. This is what I'm good at, and- and if I could change your mind, I can change his too." Stoick shook his head, "Come on." Hiccup and Toothless shot into the air. You whistled for Rainsong and were about to follow suit before Stoick stopped you.

"No-" He called, "Lead the others back to Berk, I've had enough mutiny for one day." You turned towards Astrid who gestured for you to follow Hiccup. You let out a sigh before flying after him, hearing a groan of disapproval from Stoick.

You and Hiccup flew above the clouds, Hiccup squinted before screaming and punching the open air and then falling back down onto Toothless. The dragon sent him a grunt at questioned his actions, you also looked over at the boy confused.

"Don't worry guys. I'm not gonna let anything happen to you or our dragons." Hiccup said you nodded agreeing, "I promise." He said patting Toothless. You let out a sigh before noticing the clouds being disrupted nearby. You turned to look and spotted a stick poking out before you recognized the shape of a human.

"Uh- Hiccup?" You said, pointing towards the person.

"Oh come on dad- Really?" Hiccup stopped himself from saying anymore when he noticed that the person was not his father. The person then flew back under the clouds once more, "Okay..." He said softly, confusion laced in his voice. He held his hand out to stop you from doing anything, "No sudden moves."

Suddenly a dragon bellowed and shot up from below the clouds. The two of you stopped flying immediately as the dragon flew around you. The person in the mask pointed their staff at Hiccup before their dragon flapped all four of its wings clearing most of the clouds. It was huge, you had never seen a dragon like his before.

"Hold on!" Hiccup called out, "Hold on!" Toothless and Rainsong were stirred up, both dragons were frightened but also trying their best to protect their riders. You turned to the right as you heard a screech from next to you, a dragon flew past and quickly snatched Hiccup from his dragon. Your eyes widened before you felt claws wrap around your arms. Rainsong stayed in flight but Toothless fell towards the ice, "Toothless!" Hiccup called as the dragon fell towards the ice.

Rainsong went after you first but you quickly waved her away, "Rainsong, go after Toothless!" You called as you two were being flown away. Quickly your dragon disappeared under the ice to try and grab Toothless, she didn't resurface, "Rain?" You called, not able to see her, "RAINSONG!" You cried out, tears falling from your eyes as the hoard of dragons pulled you further south.

"HEY!" Hiccup called out, "You left our dragon's back there! Mine can't fly on his own! They'll drown!" Sobs escaped your mouth, causing Hiccup to look over at you, "Please!"

Hiccup's jaw dropped as the two of you turned the corner and saw a large collection of ice. Instead of being in awe, you were more focused on the fact that your dragon could be drowning in the ice right now. The group of you flew through icy caves before the dragon dropped the two of you on the ground.

Hiccup grabbed you and pulled you close to him before putting his other hand out, "Hey! We have to head back for our dragons!" He called out, hoping that whoever was here could hear him. You wrapped your arms around his chest as he held you close, quickly he pulled out his sword and lit it up spinning it around his head which distracted the dragons around him.

He waved it around in a circle and you watched as the dragons' eyes dilated. The dragons were slowly closing in on you two so Hiccup let go of you for a second before refilling his Zippleback gas cartridge. And sprayed it in a circle around the two of you before grabbing your head and ducking the two of you down, lighting the circle. Hiccup held out his hand, looking toward one of the dragons. He took in a quick breath before leaning in to place his hand on the dragon.

You both heard some shuffling before turning to see the person from before beginning to circle you, "Who are you?" Hiccup asked, holding one of his hands out, "The dragon thief?" You gripped his other hand, "Uh... Drago Bludvist?" He questioned. The person continued walking in a circle, "Do you even understand what I'm saying?"

The person swung their staff around and then hit it on the ground. As soon as it hit the floor it made a rattling noise, making both you and Hiccup turn and look down at it.

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