Another Jalali Down

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    Ava just continued to chug and chug as she felt the alcohol burn as it went down her throat and into her stomach. Ava knew this was wrong, but right now she just couldn't take it anymore. Everything was just too much. She could even still hear Mal's screams of pure torture and she couldn't stop thinking about how she had been part of it.

How was it fair that Lola and April both got to leave while she had to hold Mal down while she kicked and screamed and begged them to stop! How was it fair that she was only 20 and forced to deal with such a huge responsibility as this! And how was it fair that her own parents could do this to her!

As the questions kept building up in her head and the anger grew more and more Ava's drinking increased rapidly until she could barely even stay up anymore from how much she had taken in. Just as Ava was about to just let the alcohol keep taking over the door opened as Tessa came back in.

"Um hi I'm sorry I just accidentally forgot my ... um are you okay?" Tessa asked in concern as she immediately ran to Ava. Ava just rolled her eyes as she looked at the younger girl and nodded then kept chugging.

"Are you sure because you don't look so good? Is this alcohol!" Tessa cried out as she grabbed the flask out of Ava's hands and smelled it. Ava just rolled her eyes again as she tried to act like she was fine despite barely being able to even focus.

"I... ad...ult," Ava slurred out as she began to sway a little from the dizziness. Tessa quickly began to panic as she continued to watch Ava in her drunken state.

"How much have you drunk!" Tessa cried out, making Ava shrug as she honestly couldn't even remember. "3 orrr 4," Ava slurred out again causing Tessa's eyes to widen as she became more concerned.

"3 or 4 what! 3 or 4 bottles? 3 or 4 shots? 3 or 4 sips?" Tessa screamed out as she had no clue what that meant but she was pretty sure it was bad. "I...don't...I...don'," Ava stumbled out as she felt her heart start racing and it was suddenly becoming hard to breathe.

Tessa just ran over to her again as she put her hand on Avas chest and could immediately feel how fast Ava's heart was beating. "Your eyes are glossed over! You're extremely pale and your breathing and heart rate are completely messed up! Why would you do this to yourself! " Tessa cried out again as she was only 17 and she didn't know how to deal with a situation like this.

She barely even knew Ava but for some reason she felt like she was watching her own sister do this to herself. Which was making this situation even harder and scarier for her to deal with.

Tessa began to panic more as she could see Ava starting to get worse and worse as she quickly started pushing the call button and screaming for help. Ava rolled her eyes again as she tried to get up but ended up just stumbling.

"I'm... fi...oh no..." Ava called out as she practically fell to the ground and started throwing up. This caused Tessa to almost lose it as she ran to help Ava up. "HELP! SOMEONE HELP!" Tessa cried out hysterically as she was terrified right now and just wanted someone older and experienced to help her with this situation.

Ava just quickly pushed Tessa away as she was barely even in control of herself right now. "I don't need youuuuu! My baby hates me cause of you! It's your fault!" Ava screamed out as she tried to push away from Tessa and get back up but as soon as she did she felt her body start to shut down as everything started to go black and before she knew it she was out.

"OH MY GOSH! HELP PLEASE! SOMEONE HELP!" Tessa called out as she just started hitting on the call button over and over again and continued to hysterically scream out for someone to come in and take over.

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